
GitHub Actions Crate

github, actions


GitHub Actions library written in Rust

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GHActions is a Rust based library for helping users write amazing GitHub Actions in Rust!

πŸ“¦ Install

Run the following command to add the library to your Cargo.toml file:

cargo add ghactions

πŸ“š Features

  • Easy to use
  • Validate GitHub Actions files
  • Automatic input and output parsing
  • Generate action.yml file automatically from code
    • feature: generate
  • Octocrab support
    • feature: octocrab
  • Actions ToolCache support
    • Locating tools in the toolcache
    • feature: toolcache

πŸš€ Usage

Here is a simple example of how to use the library:

use ghactions::prelude::*;

struct MyAction {}

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Initialise the Action
    let action = MyAction::init()?;

    group!("Main Workflow");

    // Do something...


Advance Usage

Another feature of ghactions is the ability to automatically parse inputs and outputs from the action.

use ghactions::prelude::*;

#[derive(Actions, Debug, Clone)]
    // Action Name
    name = "My Action",
    // Action Description
    description = "My Action Description",
struct MyAction {
    /// My Input
        // Change the name of the input from `my_mode` to `mode`
        name = "mode",
        // Input Description
        description = "My Input Description",
        // Default Value
        default = "default"
    my_mode: String,

    // Automatical type conversion
        // Input Description
        description = "My Input Description",
        default = "42",
    my_int: i32,

    // Multiple Inputs
        // Input Description
        description = "My Second Input Description",
        // Automatically split the input by `,`
        split = ",",
    mutiple: Vec<String>,

    // Output called `version`
        // Output Description
        description = "My Output Description",
    version: String,

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Initialise the Action
    let action = MyAction::init()?;

    group!("Main Workflow");
    info!("Action :: {:?}", action);

    info!("My Input Mode :: `{}`", action.my_mode);
    info!("My Multiple Input :: `{:?}`", action.mutiple);
    info!("My Output Version :: `{}`", action.version);


    // Using the toolcache feature
    // Load the ToolCache from the `examples/toolcache` folder
    let toolcache = ToolCache::from("examples/toolcache");
    // Find the Node.js 18.4.0 tool
    let tool = toolcache.find("node", "18.4.0").await?;
    info!("Tool :: {:?}", tool);


    // There are 3 ways to set the output
    group!("Set Outputs");

    // Using the dynamically name Action method
    // Using the `set_output` method
    MyAction::set_output("version", "1.0.0")?;
    // Or the Macro `setoutput!` directly
    setoutput!("version", "1.0.0");



Generating the action.yml file

The generate feature will allow you to generate the action.yml file from the code.

use ghactions::prelude::*;

#[derive(Actions, Debug, Clone)]
    // Action Name
    name = "My Action",
    // Action Location (use `generate` feature to generate action.yml file)
    path = "./action.yml",
    // Set the Actions Dockerfile image
    // `ghactions` will check the Dockerfile exists
    image = "./examples/advanced/Dockerfile",
struct MyAction {
    /// My Input
        // Input Description
        description = "My Input Description",
        // Default Value
        default = "default"
    my_input: String,

        // Output Description
        description = "My Output Description",
    my_output: String,

At build time, the action.yml file will be generated with the following content:

name: My Action
    description: My Input Description
    default: default
    description: My Output Description
  using: "docker"
  image: "Dockerfile"

Using Octocrab

Enabling the octocrab feature will allow you to use the Octocrab library.

use ghactions::prelude::*;

#[derive(Actions, Debug, Clone)]
struct MyAction {}

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let action = MyAction::init()?;

    // Automatically setup Octocrab with the GitHub Instance and Token
    let octocrab = action.octocrab()?;

    // ... Do something...


Using Template (cargo-generate)

You can use the cargo-generate tool to create a new GitHub Action project with the library.

cargo generate --git

🦸 Support

Please create GitHub Issues if there are bugs or feature requests.

This project uses Semantic Versioning (v2) and with major releases, breaking changes will occur.

πŸ““ License

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT open source license. Please refer to MIT for the full terms.