A simple and flexible no_std-by-default morse code library for Rust.
See the documentation for usage information.
An example for the SparkFun Pro Micro board:
use arduino_hal::port::{mode, Pin, PinOps};
use megamorse::{morse, MorseDecoder, MorsePlayer};
use panic_halt as _;
struct MorseLedDecoder<'a, P: PinOps> {
timeunit: u16,
led: &'a mut Pin<mode::Output, P>,
// The magic: We create a decoder
// that listens for commands from the megamorse library,
// and controls the LED on the SparkFun Pro Micro board.
impl<P: PinOps> MorseDecoder for MorseLedDecoder<'_, P> {
type Error = ();
fn on(&mut self, timeunits: usize) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
self.led.set_low(); // NOTE: This board uses low as on, and high as off
arduino_hal::delay_ms(self.timeunit * (timeunits as u16));
fn off(&mut self, timeunits: usize) -> Result<(), Self::Error>{
arduino_hal::delay_ms(self.timeunit * (timeunits as u16));
fn main() -> ! {
let dp = arduino_hal::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let pins = arduino_hal::pins!(dp);
let mut led = pins.led_tx.into_output();
// High is off, low is on
let decoder = MorseLedDecoder {
timeunit: 100, // A timeunit is "100". In the decoder, we will choose to interpret this as milliseconds.
led: &mut led,
let mut player = MorsePlayer::new(decoder);
// Will blink "Hello world" in morse code
player.play_str("Hello world!").unwrap();
// Or you can construct a literal morse code
let sos = morse!(... ___ ...);
for word in sos.into_iter() {
loop {}