
minimal vote module for collecting signatures on-chain

blockchain, sunshine, substrate



"Over time, all the components of the DAO are likely to be upgraded using its own mechanisms...Given the high requirements for stability, self-improvement will be critical to the survival of any DAO-based democratic system." ~DAOs, Democracy and Governance by Ralph Merkle

This is DAO-chain implementation with Substrate. It is experimental and the design intends to focus on short-term developer contracts. It may become something like Gitcoin + Aragon with organizations using the platform to post bounties and teams using the platform to pursue bounties and eventually even raise funds for their own projects.

Runtime Logic



Every organization encodes membership with ownership expressed as Vec<(AccountId, Shares)>. Each org has an OrgId, which is used to establish ownership of state associated with the group.

Every group has a sudo Option<AccountId>. The intention is that this position will be a representative selected by the group to keep things moving, but their selection will be easily revocable.


Provides functionality for dispatching votes with the given group's membership as the electorate. These votes may be weighted by the group's ownership or 1 account 1 vote.


Uses vote to dispatch votes to resolve disputes between two parties. Like insurance, one party might only agree to enter into an external contract with the other party if they agree to stake collateral and forfeit that collateral in the event that the dispatched vote resolves against them.


Allows any AccountId to transfer funds to an OrgId such that the funds are distributed to the members of the group in proportion to their ownership in the group.


Enables orgs to create joint bank accounts with spends governed by group votes.


Allows orgs or individuals to post bounties and govern/supervise execution. Allows orgs or individuals to apply for bounties.

Rust/Substrate Onboarding

To work with this codebase, familiarity with Rust and Substrate is helpful.

New to Rust?

Building a simple CLI tool is a nice first Rust project

To get started with Substrate


Install Rust:

curl -sSf | sh

Initialize your Wasm Build environment:


Build Wasm and native code:

cargo build --release

Run Single Node Development Chain

Purge any existing developer chain state:

./target/release/test-node purge-chain --dev

Start a development chain with:

./target/release/test-node --dev

Detailed logs may be shown by running the node with the following environment variables set: RUST_LOG=debug RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo run -- --dev.