
Asynchronous data flow in Swift using enums

async, data-flow, enum, promise, swift, swift-library



Grain makes data flow easier, using an enum with explicit cases for each stage in the data flow. Associated values are used to keep state for each stage.



github "BurntCaramel/Grain"


enum FileOpenStage : StageProtocol {
  typealias Result = (text: String, number: Double, arrayOfText: [String])

  /// Initial stages
  case read(fileURL: NSURL)
  /// Intermediate stages
  case unserializeJSON(data: NSData)
  case parseJSON(object: AnyObject)
  /// Completed stages
  case success(Result)

  // Any errors thrown by the stages
  enum Error: ErrorType {
    case invalidJSON
    case missingData

Each stage creates a task, which resolves to the next stage. Deferreds can be synchronous subroutines (Deferred()) or asynchronous futures (Deferred.future()).

Grain by default runs tasks on a background queue, even synchronous ones.

extension FileOpenStage {
    /// The task for each stage
    func next() -> Deferred<FileOpenStage> {
        return Deferred{
            switch self {
            case let .read(fileURL):
                return .unserializeJSON(
                    data: try NSData(contentsOfURL: fileURL, options: .DataReadingMappedIfSafe)
            case let .unserializeJSON(data):
                return .parseJSON(
                    object: try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: NSJSONReadingOptions())
            case let .parseJSON(object):
                guard let dictionary = object as? [String: AnyObject] else {
                    throw Error.invalidJSON

                guard let
                    text = dictionary["text"] as? String,
                    number = dictionary["number"] as? Double,
                    arrayOfText = dictionary["arrayOfText"] as? [String]
                    else { throw Error.missingData }

                return .success(
                    text: text,
                    number: number,
                    arrayOfText: arrayOfText
            case .success:

To run, create an initial stage and call .execute(), which uses Grand Central Dispatch to asychronously dispatch each stage, by default with a utility quality of service.

Your callback is passed useResult, which you call to either return the result or throw an error. Errors thrown in any of the stages will bubble up, so use Swift error handling to catch them here in the one place.

FileOpenStage.read(fileURL: fileURL).execute { useResult in
    do {
        let (text, number, arrayOfText) = try useResult()
        // Do something with result
    catch {
        // Handle `error` here

Using existing asynchronous libraries

Grain can create tasks for existing asychronous libraries, such as NSURLSession. Use the .future task, and resolve the value, or resolve throwing an error.

enum HTTPRequestStage : StageProtocol {
    typealias Result = (response: NSHTTPURLResponse, body: NSData?)

    case get(url: NSURL)
    case post(url: NSURL, body: NSData)

    case success(Result)

    func next() -> Deferred<HTTPRequestStage> {
        return Deferred.future{ resolve in
            switch self {
            case let .get(url):
                let session = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
                let task = session.dataTaskWithURL(url) { data, response, error in
                    if let error = error {
                        resolve{ throw error }
                    else {
                        resolve{ .success((response: response as! NSHTTPURLResponse, body: data)) }
            case let .post(url, body):
                let session = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
                let request = NSMutableURLRequest(URL: url)
                request.HTTPBody = body
                let task = session.dataTaskWithRequest(request) { (data, response, error) in
                    if let error = error {
                        resolve { throw error }
                    else {
                        resolve { .success((response: response as! NSHTTPURLResponse, body: data)) }
            case .success:

    var result: Result? {
        guard case let .success(result) = self else { return nil }
        return result


Breaking a data flow into a more declarative form makes it easier to understand.

Associated values capture the entire state at a particular stage in the flow. There’s no external state or side effects, just what’s in each case.

Each stage is distinct, produces its next stage in a sychronous or asychronous manner.

Stages are able to be stored and restored at will as they are just enums. This allows easier testing, since you can resume at any stage, not just initial ones.

Swift’s native error handling is used.

Multiple inputs or outputs

Stages can have multiple choices of initial stages: just add multiple cases!

For multiple choice of output, use a enum for the Completion associated type.

Composing stages

StageProtocol includes .map and .flatMap methods, allowing stages to be composed inside other stages. A series of stages can become a single stage in a different enum, and so on.

For example, combining the previous two stage types:

enum FileUploadStage : StageProtocol {
    typealias Result = AnyObject?

    case openFile(fileStage: FileUnserializeStage, destinationURL: NSURL)
    case uploadRequest(request: HTTPRequestStage)
    case parseUploadResponse(data: NSData?)
    case success(Result)

    enum Error : ErrorType {
        case uploadFailed(statusCode: Int, body: NSData?)
        case uploadResponseParsing(body: NSData?)

    func next() -> Deferred<FileUploadStage> {
        switch self {
        case let .openFile(stage, destinationURL):
            return stage.compose(
                transformNext: {
                    .openFile(fileStage: $0, destinationURL: destinationURL)
                transformResult: { result in
                        request: .post(
                            url: destinationURL,
                            body: try NSJSONSerialization.dataWithJSONObject([ "number": result.number ], options: [])
        case let .uploadRequest(stage):
            return stage.compose(
                transformNext: {
                    .uploadRequest(request: $0)
                transformResult: { result in
                    let (response, body) = result
                    switch response.statusCode {
                    case 200:
                        return .parseUploadResponse(data: body)
                        throw Error.uploadFailed(statusCode: response.statusCode, body: body)
        case let .parseUploadResponse(data):
            return Deferred{
                    try data.map{ try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData($0, options: []) }
        case .success:

    var result: Result? {
        guard case let .success(result) = self else { return nil }
        return result