
The appearance toolbox for SRG SSR applications

appearance, colors, fonts


SRG Appearance logo

Carthage compatible License


SRG Appearance is a lightweight library providing unified SRG SSR appearance to iOS applications:

  • Official SRG SSR fonts, automatically registered with your application, and with standard point sizes for common text styles.
  • Official SRG SSR colors.
  • Image processing tools.


The library is suitable for applications running on iOS 9 and above. The project is meant to be opened with the latest Xcode version (currently Xcode 10).


If you want to contribute to the project, have a look at our contributing guide.


The library can be added to a project using Carthage by adding the following dependency to your Cartfile:

github "SRGSSR/srgappearance-ios"

For more information about Carthage and its use, refer to the official documentation.


The library requires the following frameworks to be added to any target requiring it:

  • SRGAppearance : The main library framework.

Dynamic framework integration

  1. Run carthage update to update the dependencies (which is equivalent to carthage update --configuration Release).
  2. Add the frameworks listed above and generated in the Carthage/Build/iOS folder to your target Embedded binaries.

If your target is building an application, a few more steps are required:

  1. Add a Run script build phase to your target, with /usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks as command.
  2. Add each of the required frameworks above as input file $(SRCROOT)/Carthage/Build/iOS/FrameworkName.framework.

Static framework integration

  1. Run carthage update --configuration Release-static to update the dependencies.
  2. Add the frameworks listed above and generated in the Carthage/Build/iOS/Static folder to the Linked frameworks and libraries list of your target.
  3. Also add any resource bundle .bundle found within the .framework folders to your target directly.
  4. Add the -all_load flag to your target Other linker flags.


When you want to use classes or functions provided by the library in your code, you must import it from your source files first.

Usage from Objective-C source files

Import the global header file using:

#import <SRGAppearance/SRGAppearance.h>

or directly import the module itself:

@import SRGAppearance;

Usage from Swift source files

Import the module where needed:

import SRGAppearance

Building the project

A Makefile provides several targets to build and package the library. The available targets can be listed by running the following command from the project root folder:

make help

Alternatively, you can of course open the project with Xcode and use the available schemes.

SRG SSR fonts

Two sets of font methods are provided in UIFont+SRGAppearance.h:

  • Methods returning a font with a given size. You can also set fonts with a given size directly in Interface Builder. Simply install the fonts available in Carthage/Checkouts/iOS/srgappearance-ios/Framework/Resources/Fonts by double-clicking on them first.
  • Methods returning a font for a given text style. The exact font size is determined by the corresponding iOS accessibility setting. Setting custom fonts for a given style is sadly currently not supported in Interface Builder and must be performed in code.

You can also register your own custom fonts at runtime by calling the SRGAppearanceRegisterFont function available from the same header file.

SRG SSR text styles

A limited set of SRG SSR custom font styles is provided as well. SRG SSR fonts are readily compatible with those styles, and a method is provided to apply them to arbitrary fonts as well.

SRG SSR colors

Standard colors are provided in UIColor+SRGAppearance.h.

Image processing

Image processing tools are provided in UIImage+SRGAppearance.h.


See the LICENSE file for more information.