
A log should tell a story, not drown the reader in irrelevance.




GitHub license

A logging framework that promotes following data rather than functionality in logs.

WTF - Another logging framework!!!

Yep. Another one. But with a difference ...

The idea that drives Story Teller is quite simple: To debug an application, developers need to follow data.

For example, when debugging an accounting app, a developer might want to see all transaction realated to account number 1223344.

No other logging framework can do this. They are built around the concept of different levels of information, from minimal through to highly detailed. All the developer can do is request more details and try and troll the output for the details they want.

Debugging with Story Teller is completely different. Story Teller lets you specify a criteria for what you want logged. So seeing transactions for account 1223344 becomes a simple matter of telling Story Teller to log anything where account.number = 1223344. As a result, the entire log is relevant to the task at hand.

Quick start

  1. Install (see below)

  2. Instead of a log level, Story teller uses anything you like as a key. Here is some examples:

// Using an object. 
STLog(user, "User %@ is logging", user.id);
STLog(account, "User %@ is accessing account %@", user.id, account.number);
// Using a fixed value.
STLog(@(EnumValueGUI), "GUI is doing %@ with %@", aGUIValue, anotherGUIVaue);
STLog(@"abc", @"ABC, ha ha ha ha ha");
  1. Then when you want to log, ou can query using Story Teller's query language:
// Key is a User class with account name of ...
STStartLogging(@"[User].account.name == \"derek's account\"");
// Key is a User class with account balance > $500
STStartLogging(@"[User].account.balance > 500");
// Key is the string 'GUI'
// Key conforms to protocol UserAccount
// Key conforms to protocol Banking for a customer who is not a Banker protocol
STStartLogging(@"<Banking>.customer != <Banker>");
  1. See just what you need in the logs !



Carthage compatible

This project can be dynamically included using Carthage. This is recommended if you are using iOS8+.

Simple create a file called CartFile in the root of your project and add a line of text like this:

// Pulls the latest version.
github "drekka/StoryTeller"

fire up a command line and execute from our projects root directory:

carthage bootstrap

This will download and compile Story Teller into a framework in /Carthage/Build/iOS/StoryTeller.framework.

Then simply add this framework as you would any other.


At the moment I don't support Cocoapods because I regard it as as hacky poor quality solution. And I don't use it on my personal projects. I have created a posspec in the root of Story Teller, but so far it doesn't pass the pod lint tests and typically with any Ruby hack projects, is giving errors that make no sense. I'll get around to supporting it one day. But it's not something I use. Feel free to suggest what it should look like.

Submodules or Manual includes

Another fine way to include Story Teller is to use Git Submodules. Whilst more technical in nature, it gves you the best control of the software. Use the following URL for your submodule or if you want to manually check Story Teller out:


Adding Story Teller to your code

Story teller can be added using a module include (Yes this works in Objective-C):

@import StoryTeller;


Story Teller has one basic logging statement:

STLog(<key>, <message-template>, <args ...>); 

This looks very similar to other logging frameworks. Except that they would either having key replaced with a severity level, or have multiple statements such as logDebug, logInfo, etc.

Magic keys

Story Teller's Key is the important differentiator between it and these other logging frameworks. With Story Teller, the key can be anything you want !" An account number, a user id, a class, or any object you want to be able to base a search on when debugging and whatever makes sense in your app. Here are some examples:

STLog(user, "User %@ is logging", user.id);
STLog(@(EnumValueGUI), "GUI is doing %@ with %@", aGUIValue, anotherGUIVaue);
STLog(currentView, "GUI is doing something with %@", currentView);
STLog(@"abc", @"ABC, ha ha ha ha ha");

What if I don't have an accessible key?

Often you might want to log based on something , but be in some method that doesn't have access to that data. Story Teller solves this with the concept of Key Scopes. You can tell it to make a specific key cover a range of log statements any log statements that are in that scope are regarded as being logged under the scope's key. Here's an example:

STLog(user, "User %@ is logging", user.id);
/// ...  do stuff
STLog(account, "User %@'s account: %@", user.id, account.id); 
[self goDoSomethingWithAccount:account];

When reporting based on user, the second log statement (key:account) will also be printed because it's within the scope of user.

Scopes follow these rules:

  • Normal Objective-C scopes for variables. This is because under the hood, Story Teller is using a dynamically added variable to detect when the scope ends. Normally this is the end of the current method, loop or if statement. Assume a STScopeStart(...) is a variable declaration and you will ge the idea.
  • Story Teller's then includes any called code. So any logging within a method or API is also included with the scope. This enables logging across a wide range of classes to be accessed using one key without having to specifically pass that key around.

    In the above example, any logging with in goDoSomethingWithAccount: will also be logged when logging for the user.

Configuring logging

On startup

Story Teller uses a set of options which it obtains via this process on startup:

  1. A default setup is first created with no logging active.
  2. Story Teller then searches all bundles in the app for a file called StoryTellerConfig.json. If found this file is read and the base config is updated with any settings it contains.
  3. Finally the process is checked and if any of the arguments set on the process match known keys in the config, then those values are updated.

The basic idea is that you can add a StoryTellerConfig.json file to your app to provide the general config you want to run with, and then during development you can override at will by setting arguments in XCode's scheme for your app.

Current the Json file has two settings and looks something like this:

    "activeLogs": [
        "abc",                           /* A specific string key */
        12,                              /* A numeric (Enum?) key */
        "[User].account.balance > 500"   /* Any account over $500 */
    "loggerClass": "STConsoleLogger",  /* Optional */
    "logLineTemplate": "{{file}}:{{line}} {{message}}" /* Optional */


Key Value
activeLogs A comma separated list of keys to activate. This is the main setting for turning on logging.
loggerClass If you want to set a different class for the, use this setting to specify the class. The class must implement <STLogger> and have a no-arg constructor. You only need to put the class name in this setting. Story Teller will handle the rest. By default, Story Teller uses a simple console logger.
logLineTemplate The template of each line in the log. See XcodeColors & Logging Templates below for details of this value.

Envirnoment variables

You can also pass the settings via enviroment variables. For example, you could set them up in an Xcode schema for running the app.

loggerClass and logLineTemplate are settable. To activate a log you use one or more log settings.


You can also programmically enable and disable logging as well. To enable logging, use this statement:


XCodeColors & Logging templates

XCodeColors is an excellant tool for colour coding your XCode console output. Story Teller supports using it to colour code the details and message of the output. In addition, you can also fully customise the layout of the log lines.


If you have XcodeColors installed you can use the following setup to configure Story Tellers console logger. This Only works for the STConsoleLogger.

((STConsoleLogger *)[STStoryTeller storyTeller].logger).addXcodeColours = YES;

// Only need these if you want to change from the default colours. Which are these colours !
((STConsoleLogger *)[STStoryTeller storyTeller].logger).messageColour = [UIColor blackColor];
((STConsoleLogger *)[STStoryTeller storyTeller].logger).detailsColour = [UIColor lightGrayColor];

Customising the logging template.

The default template for a logged line looks like this:

{{time}} {{function}}:{{line}} {{message}}

As you can see it's based on typical Moustache templating using curly brackets and keywords to define where to insert various pieces of information. Naturally you can customize this. Here's how:

[STStoryTeller storyTeller].logger.lineTemplate = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%1$@\n   %2$@:%3$@", STLoggerTemplateKeyMessage, STLoggerTemplateKeyFunction, STLoggerTemplateKeyLine];

All the above example does is build a new template string using some predefined strings. This is recommended as it's less likely to trigger mistakes. The only required keyword in any template is the STLoggerTemplateKeyMessage ({{message}}). All others are optional. Here's an example of the output from the above setup:

Log output

Template keywords

Built in variable Text value Inserts a ...
STLoggerTemplateKeyMessage {{message}} (Required) The finished message argument from STLog(...) with all arguments inseted.
STLoggerTemplateKeyFile {{file}} the name of the source code file.
STLoggerTemplateKeyFunction {{function}} A string representation of the method name which generated the log message.
STLoggerTemplateKeyLine {{line}} The line number of the STLog(...) command.
STLoggerTemplateKeyThreadId {{threadId}} The current thread id.
STLoggerTemplateKeyThreadName {{threadName}} he current thread's name.
STLoggerTemplateKeyTime {{time}} The current time.
STLoggerTemplateKeyTime {{key}} The Story Teller key associated with the STLog(...) command.

Smart Logging Criteria

The activeLogs configuration setting contains an comma seperated list of smart criteria which activate the log statements. The STStartLogging(<criteria>); Objective-C statement does the same thing, except you can only pass one criteria at a time.

So what are these criteria? Here are the options

General logging

First up there are two special logs you can activate:


LogAll activates all log statements and disregards any other logging criteira. This is literally a turn everything on option so don't expect to use it often and it's not really what Story Teller is about.

LogRoots is similar to LogAll except that it only logs when there are not scopes active. The idea is to get a log showing the highlevel activity in the system. So how well it works depends on how well you setup you log statements. LogRoots will also be overridden by LogAll if it is turned on.

Simple value criteria

When Story Teller encounters a single value in a criteria, it makes the assumption that the same value has been used as a key. Simple values can be either strings or numbers. Using strings mades a good descriptive sense, whilst integers can be a good idea for matching enums. Notice that with strings, if you don't have any white space in the value, you can enter it without quotes.

For example:

STLog("abc", @"Log some abc stuff");
STLog("GUI System", @"Log view @ %@", aRect);
STLog(@(EnumValueX), @"Log related to EnumValueX");
STStartLogging(@"\"GUI System\"");

Classes or Protocol criteria


You can log based on the type of the key used like this:

[class-name] | <protocol-name>

These will search for any logging where the key is an instance of the class (or is a subclass of it), or an instance that implements the specified protocol. Here's an example:

STLog(User, @"Log message for a user");
STStartLogging(@"<Person>");    /* Assuming User implements Person */

KVC Property criteria

[class-name].keypath op value <protocol-name>.keypath op value

This criteria looks for keys that matches the specified class or protocol, then examine the keypath on the object for the required value. Here are some examples

STStartLogging(@"[User].account.name == \"derek's account\"");
STStartLogging(@"[User].account.balance > 500");
STStartLogging(@"<Banking>.active == YES");
STStartLogging(@"<Banking>.lastLogon == nil");
STStartLogging(@"<Banking>.customer != <Banker>");

As you can see there is a lot of power here to decide what gets logged. Values fall into several types:

  • Strings - any string. Quotes are required if it incudes whitespace.
  • Numbers - Any number, integer or decimal format. Number queries can use all the standard comparison operators: == ,!= ,< ,<= ,> or >=.
  • nil checks - 'nil' keyword which checks for nils exactly the same as Objective-C does. Nil checks can only use the logical operators: == and !=.
  • type checks - either a class or protocol declaration. The same way we declare the type of the key being searched. Type checks can only use the logical operators: == and !=.

Runtime criteria

Sometimes the best object o use for a key is a Class object. Or (rarely) you want to search on a property that returns a Class. In those cases you can use the is keyword to tell Story Teller to look for a Class rather than testing an object.

For example:

STLog([User class], @"Log message for class");

Looking for Class or Protocol keys

STStartLogging(@"is [User]");

This difference here is that Story Teller looks for a Class object rather than an instance of the class.

Looking for Class values in properties

STStartLogging(@"[User].accountClass is [MerchantAccount]");

Execution blocks

Story Teller has another trick up it's sleeve. Often we want to run a set of statements to assemble some data before logging or even to log a number of statements at once. With other frameworks we have to manually add some boiler plate around the statements to make sure they are not always being executed. Story Teller has a statement built specifically for this purpose:

STExecuteBlock(<key>, ^(id key) {
     // Statements go here.

The block will only be executed if they currently active logging matches the key. This makes it a perfect way to handle larger and more complex logging situations.

Release vs Debug

Story Teller is very much a Debug orientated logger. Is is not designed to be put into production apps. To that effect, it has a strip mode. Simply add this macro to your Release macro declarations and all Story Teller loggin will be stripped out, leaving your Release version a lean mean speed machine.

Disable macro name: DISABLE_STORY_TELLER


The only time async logging is needed is when logging a massive amount of information to a file. In 30 years of developing I've never seen an instance where a log like this has been of any use.

In addition developers will invaraibly turn off async logging because the delay between an event occuring and the logged statements appearing in the log can be too long and cause the developer to be given a false impression of where the code is at.

Story Teller is built for debugging. Not producing files or winning speed tests. So it does not support async logging.


Performance is something that is a factor when logging because logging to the console or a file is inheriantly slow. Other frameworks follow the basic design concept of - That we want to log everything and sort it out later. This is very wasteful. Especially in the mobile world where dumping everything into a file just on the off chance that someone might want to look at it is quite out of the question.

Because Story Teller uses smarter logging techniques, it will often be faster than traditional logging frameworks simply because it produces less output, more than compensating for the extra processing required.

Update - some bench marks

I decided to get an idea of how Story Teller actually compared. So I created a test project and put both Story Teller and a Very Popular 3rd party logging framework into it.

I configured the project to log 1,000 lines of text to the console and store the duration of the process. I also made sure that each line of text was different. I then added further processing to do this loop 10 times and average the durations.

I then ran this with the other framework set to 'Debug', and Story Teller configured with a criteria similar to '[Dummy].forbar = YES' with the log key being an instance of class Dummy. Finally I turned off async logging on the other framework as no developer works with it on and Story Teller does not support it. The idea was to make sure that I was comparing oranges with oranges.

The results where suprising. In a straight time run of logging Story Teller was actually 4x faster than the competitor. This totally surprised me and the only thing I could think of was that the competitor must have a lot of compexity in it that I simply haven't added to Story Teller. But still - 4x?

I then ran the tests again. This time with all logging turned off. The idea being to see how the embedded code impacted performance of the main code. This time the competitor easily out performed Story Teller. This was expected as the competitor was designed around very fast boolean switches and could optimize out the logging statements. Story Teller on the other hand, has to leave everything in places because the logging decisions are made at runtime and therefore cannot be avoided, even if no logging is actually done.

Still, Story Teller ran the same loop of avg(1,000)x10 very fast. In the region of 0.001 sec per 1,000 log statements (testing the decision making). When logging, it was around 0.1 sec. So even with it's significantly more intelligent logging, it's no slouch.


  • Thanks to Todd Ditchendorf for PEGKit. I've learned a lot from working with it.
  • Big Thanks to the guys behind Carthage for writing a dependency tool that actual works well with XCode and Git.
  • Thanks to Mulle Cybernetik for OCMock. An outstanding mocking framework for Objective-C that has enabled me to test the un-testable many times.