
re-frame fx & cofx handlers for the skygear BaaS

clojurescript, re-frame, skygear



Clojars Project GitHub license Build Status

A re-frame, data-based API for the Skygear JS SDK.

Depends on re-frame >= 0.8.0.

IMPORTANT: This project is still WIP, It does not work yet!


Registering the skygear (co)fx handler:

(ns your-ns
  (:require [akiroz.re-frame.skygear :refer [reg-co-fx!]]))

;; both :fx and :cofx keys are optional, they will not be registered if unspecified.
(reg-co-fx! {:fx   :skygear   ;; re-frame fx ID
             :cofx :skygear}) ;; re-frame cofx ID

Skygear fx

Here's the complete effects map:

;; <fx>      <action>        <args>

{:skygear [:init            {:end-point "..."
                             :api-key "..."}
           :login           {:username "foo"
                             :password "bar"}
           :logout          {}
           :signup          {:username "foo"
                             :password "bar"}
           :change-password {:old-password ""
                             :new-password ""}
           :whoami          {}
           :access          {:public :rw}
           :save            [^:rec {:_type "person"
                                    :name "bob"
                                    :age 20}]
           :query           {:record "person"
                             :where {:age {:>         20
                                           :sort-asc  true}}
                             :limit 20
                             :page 0}
           :subscribe       {"my-channel" :my-event
                             "your-channel" [:your :events]}
           :unsubscribe     {"your-channel" :your}
           :publish         {"my-channel" {:hello "world"}}]}

Every async action also supports 2 additional arguments; :success and :fail. They expect re-frame event IDs and will be dispatched accordingly.

Access control

The :access action sets the default permission on publicDB, possible values are: :none, :ro, and :rw.


The :save action uses metadata to build requests. Since native JS objects don't support metadata, they must be wraped inside a vector: ^:ref [<JS Object>]

;; Creates a new record and save it
{:save [                                      ;; vec of items to save
        ^:rec {:_type ""                      ;; record type
               :owner ^:ref [user]            ;; reference existing skygear record
               :photo ^:asset {:file obj}     ;; upload a file (JS File / URL)
               :place ^:geo [0,0]             ;; geolocation (vec / skygear obj)
               :related ^:rec                 ;; save & reference new record
                        {:_type ""
                         :field "value"}}]}

;; Updates an existing record
{:save [^:rec {:_type "person"
               :_id "person/4bc21b46-26f3-4474-afbb-280eee501db2"
               :age 21}]}


The :query action supports the following :where clauses:

{:=            ""       ;; equal
 :not=         ""       ;; not equal
 :<            0        ;; less than
 :<=           0        ;; less than or equal
 :>            0        ;; greater than
 :>=           0        ;; greather than or equal
 :in           #{1 2 3} ;; value is in set
 :not-in       #{1 2 3} ;; value is not in set
 :contains     ""       ;; set contain
 :not-contains ""       ;; set does not contain
 :like         "%"      ;; match wildcard expression
 :not-like     "%"      ;; does not match wildcard expression
 :sort-asc     true     ;; sort ascending
 :sort-dec     true     ;; sort descending
 :transient    true     ;; transient include reference

Skygear cofx / db-interceptor

Here's the complete skygear cofx map:

{:skygear {:user <user-object>}}

It is also possible to inject the cofx map into an app-db key:

(ns your-ns
  (:require [akiroz.re-frame.skygear :refer [inject-db]]))

;; inject the cofx map into the :skygear key inside db.
  [(inject-db :skygear)]
  (fn [{:keys [db]} _]
    (println (get-in db [:skygear :user]))