
Simple mocking helper library

clojure, mocking, testing, unit-testing



Tiny library for mocking function dependencies.

Feature overview:

  • No dependency on testing framework, works fine with core.test

  • Optionally check that the mock was called the right number of times and inspect the arguments (no enforced expectations mechanism)

  • No re-defs, designed for cases where dependencies are passed

  • Mock any function dependency, not limited to protocol implementations

  • Create a mock using a function or simply a value ("always return this")

  • Create a mock using a sequence of functions or to be called in sequence order each time the mock is used (useful for emulating stateful dependencies)

  • Create a mock using a sequence of values ("regardless of what's passed, return next from these values")


Add this to dependencies of your project.clj:

[audiogum/picomock "0.1.5"]

Trivial example:

(ns mytests
  (:require [picomock.core :refer [mock mock-calls mock-args]])

(defn function-under-test
  "I just call the function I'm given passing it some values"
  (f 2 3))

(deftest function-under-test-works
  (let [mymock (mock (fn [a b] (* a b)))]
    (is (= 6
           (function-under-test mymock)))
    (is (= 1
           (mock-calls mymock)))
    (is (= '(2 3)
           (mock-args mymock 0)))))

For more examples see unit tests.