A Clojure library for seeding databases




Dibble is a Clojure library that intelligently, randomly seeds databases by inferencing the underlying table structure. See the docs for more more information.

(defseed people
  {:database {:vendor :mysql :db "db-name" :user "user" :password "pass"} :table :people :n 200}
  [:randomized :name]
  [:randomized :number])

(seed-table people)


Available on Clojars:

[dibble "0.2.0-beta1"]


A few complete examples follow. Starting with the simplest case, suppose we have a MySQL table named people:

mysql> desc people;
| Field  | Type          | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| name   | varchar(32)   | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| number | int(11)       | YES  |     | NULL    |       |

Let's seed that table:

(ns my.seeder
  (:require [dibble.core :refer [defseed seed-table]]))

;;; A map that specifies the database type via :vendor and Korma connection information.
(def db {:vendor :mysql :db "db-name" :user "user" :password "pass"})

;;; Makes 50 different seeds, deleting all rows in the table before beginning (using :clean-slate).
(defseed people
  {:database db :table :people :policy :clean-slate :n 50}
  [:randomized :name]    ;;; random 32-char string
  [:randomized :number]) ;;; random 32-bit integer

(seed-table people)

Values don't have to be totally random. Dibble offers some constraints:

(defseed people
  {:database db :table :people :policy :clean-slate :n 50}
  [:randomized :name {:length 16}]        ;;; random 16-char string
  [:randomized :number {:min 5 :max 10}]) ;;; random integer between 5 and 10 inclusive

(seed-table people)




Contributions are most welcome. There's a ton of work to do, and it's fairly easy to contribute. Here's some things I'd like to have that aren't done:

  • More string options (subtypes of email address, random US state, etc)
  • More numeric options (prime?, symbols?, spaces? etc)
  • Possibly rewrite the docs to be a little clearer?
  • More database implementations (specifically Mongo)
  • Better error messages


Copyright © 2012 Michael Drogalis

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.