
Boot task to create a deps.nix used for NixOS



A boot task to generate a Nix builder script.

This script will create a local maven repo inside the /nix/store, which contains all the compile-time dependencies of the boot environment.

Boot projects which use tasks which try to download dependencies at runtime will fail.


Include this boot task into your project:

  :dependencies '[[exicon/boot-nix "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]])

  '[exicon.boot-nix :refer [nixos]])


boot nixos

It should generate a ./.fetch-deps.sh script which can be included in to your nix builder file.

To install into the local maven repo, you can use

boot build-jar

Example app-name-m2-deps.nix

{stdenv, curl}:

stdenv.mkDerivation {
  name = "app-name-m2-deps";
  builder = ./.fetch-deps.sh;

  outputHashAlgo = "sha256";
  outputHashMode = "recursive";
  outputHash = "03qjq481ly5ajynlr9iqvrjra5fvv2jz4wp2f3in5vnxa61inrrk";

  buildInputs = [ curl ];

  impureEnvVars = ["http_proxy" "https_proxy" "ftp_proxy" "all_proxy" "no_proxy"];

In your default.nix you should have something like this:

{ stdenv, lib, makeWrapper, curl, boot }:
  mavenRepo = import ./app-name-m2-deps.nix { inherit stdenv curl; };
in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {

  preConfigure = ''
    export BOOT_LOCAL_REPO="${mavenRepo}"

TODO support downloading deps behind a password wall