
Provides an IGraph-compliant view onto an arbitrary SPARQL endpoint, informed by ont-app/vocabulary




Provides a view onto an arbitrary SPARQL endpoint using the ont-app/IGraph protocol, and incoporating the ont-app/vocabulary facility.


Clojars Project

(defproject ...
   [ont-app/sparql-client "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]


Require thus:

(ns ...
    [sparql-client.core :refer :all]
    [igraph.core :refer :all]
    [vocabulary.core :as voc]

Then create the client thus:

(def client (->sparql-client <query-endpoint> 


  • query-endpoint is a string indicating the URL of a SPARQL query endpoint
  • binding-translator is a function that takes the bindings returned in the standard SPARQL query response format, and returns a simplified key/value map.
  • update-endpoint is a string indicating the URL of a SPARQL update query endpoint (or nil)
  • authentication is a password (or nil)

This will produce a record that implements ont-app/IGraph. At present only the read-only accessor facilities are supported.

Keywords in any namespaces with the appropriate Linked Open Data (LOD) constructs described in ont-app/vocabulary will be interpreted as URIs.


Let's say we want to reference subjects in Wikidata. We can define the query endpoint...

(def wikidata-endpoint

and translate URIs and language-tagged strings into clojure keywords thus...

(require 'vocabulary.wikidata)
(require 'vocabulary.linguistics)

(defn- uri-translator
  "Returns <qualified-keyword> for `sparql-binding`
  <qualified-keyword> is a keyword in voc-re format
  <sparql-binding> := {?value ...}, typically returned from a query
  (voc/keyword-for (sparql-binding "value"))

(defn- form-translator [sparql-binding]
  "Returns a keyword for  `binding` as a keyword URI for a natlex form"
  (keyword (str (sparql-binding "xml:lang")
                (s/replace (sparql-binding "value")
                           " "

Now we can update the default binding translator defined in sparql-endpoint to use these two translators...

(def translator (assoc endpoint/default-translators
                       :uri uri-translator
                       :lang form-translator))

This will continue to use xsd-value parser defined in the sparql-endpoint module for :datatype bindings, but render URIs as keywords interned in their associated namespaces as described in the vocabulary module. Language-tagged strings like "Barack Obama"@en will be translated to URI/keywords like :enForm:Barack_Obama, per namespaces defined in vocabulary.linguistics.

Now we can define the SPARQL client...

(def client (->SparqlClient wikidata-endpoint translator nil nil))

This will produce an instance of a SparqlClient

;; -> 
 {:uri #function[sparql-client.core-test/uri-translator],
  :lang #function[sparql-client.core-test/form-translator],
  :datatype #function[sparql-endpoint.core/parse-xsd-value]},
 :update-url nil,
 :auth nil}

Since it implements IGraph and Ifn, we can make calls like the following, describing let's say Barack Obama, whose Q-number in Wikidata happens to be Q76.

(client :wd:Q76) 
;; -> 
{:p:P4985 #{:wds:Q76-62b91a68-499a-47db-6786-87cdda9ff578},
 #{:ugForm:باراك_ئوباما :mznForm:باراک_اوباما :pihForm:Barack_Obama
   :mkForm:Барак_Обама :nahForm:Barack_Obama :gvForm:Barack_Obama
   :nds-nlForm:Barack_Obama :urForm:بارک_اوباما :kaaForm:Barak_Obama
 :wdt:P6385 #{"istoriya/OBAMA_BARAK_HUSEN.html"},
 :wdt:P4159 #{"Barack_Obama_(2)"},
 :p:P4515 #{:wds:Q76-b5be51e2-470e-138e-1401-3a66bfb71c53},

This returns map with large number of wikidata properties indicated by rdfs:label links to a wide array of languages, and P-numbers which Wikidata uses to uniquely identify a wide array of relationships. See the Wikidata documentation for details.

Let's say we're just interested in the labels...

(client :wd:Q76 :rdfs:label)
;; ->
#{:ugForm:باراك_ئوباما :mznForm:باراک_اوباما :pihForm:Barack_Obama
   :mkForm:Барак_Обама :nahForm:Barack_Obama :gvForm:Barack_Obama
   :nds-nlForm:Barack_Obama :urForm:بارک_اوباما :kaaForm:Barak_Obama
   :en-caForm:Barack_Obama :asForm:বাৰাক_অ'বামা :rwForm:Barack_Obama
   :zuForm:Barack_Obama :tgForm:Барак_Ҳусейн_Обама
   :dsbForm:Barack_Obama :yiForm:באראק_אבאמא :brForm:Barack_Obama
   :anForm:Barack_Obama :orForm:ବରାକ_ଓବାମା :sr-ecForm:Барак_Обама
   :rmyForm:Barack_Obama :sr-elForm:Barak_Obama :bxrForm:Барак_Обама
   :uzForm:Barack_Obama :fiForm:Barack_Obama :myvForm:Обамань_Барак

This returns the set of labels associated with the former president.

(def barry-labels (client :wd:Q76 :rdfs:label)

;; English...
(filter (comp #(re-find #"^enForm" %) name) barry-labels)
;; ->

;; Chinese ...
(filter (comp #(re-find #"^zhForm" %) name) barry-labels)
;; ->

Or we can just pose a SPARQL query directly...

(def barry-query
    "SELECT ?label
  wd:Q76 rdfs:label ?label; 
  Filter (Lang(?label) = \"en\")

(println (voc/prepend-prefix-declarations barry-query))
;; ->
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
SELECT ?label
  wd:Q76 rdfs:label ?label; 
  Filter (Lang(?label) = "en")

(query client (voc/prepend-prefix-declarations barry-query))

;; ->
({:label :enForm:Barack_Obama})


The update functions are not yet implemented.



Copyright © 2019 Eric D. Scott

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License.