
Implementations of the SM-5 spaced repetition algorithm.




Implementation of the SuperMemo 5 spaced repetition algorithm, with some additions recommended in the SuperMemo webpage [1].



The next-state function is probaly the only thing you need to call externally. It expects at least one argument: the quality of the repetition (0-5) i.e. how well the user remembered.

For subsequent repetitions of any question/answer pair by this user, it expects a second argument that models the learning process of a given user (in SM-5 parlance, this is the `optimal factor matrix’).

For subsequent repetitions of this particular question/answer pair by this user, it expects a third argument that models the user’s state of learning for this particular item. In SM-5 parlance, this comprises the repetition number, easiness factor, interval, and optimal factor used to calculate it.

You actually mostly don’t have to worry about learn-seq, because next-state returns a map with three keys:

  1. :days-to-next, which is how many days into the future you should schedule this next repetition.
  2. :new-user-state, which you should feed back as the second argument in the next repetition of any item by this user, and
  3. :new-item-state, which is the one you should feed back as the third argument in the next repetition of this item by this user.

Thus, a spaced repetition app will want to serialize/save :new-user-state and :new-item-state in a per user basis.


Copyright © 2014 Vic Goldfeld

Includes modifications by Estevo U. Caamanho Castro.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

