
Kotlin compiler task for Boot.




A Boot task that provides compilation of Kotlin source files.

Clojars Project

Basic Usage

Create a Kotlin program in src/kt:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
	println("Hello World!")

Now you can compile it and access the compiled class from the REPL:

> boot -d seancorfield/boot-kotlinc kotlinc repl
boot.user> (import HelloKt)
boot.user> (HelloKt/main (into-array String []))
Hello World!

Or you can compile it and make an uberjar:

> boot -d seancorfield/boot-kotlinc kotlinc uber jar -m HelloKt target
Adding uberjar entries...
Writing project.jar...
Writing target dir(s)...
> java -jar target/project.jar
Hello World!


You can specify -v for verbose mode. This will print out how boot-kotlinc is invoking the Kotlin compiler (showing the classpath and other options), as well as telling the Kotlin compiler itself to be verbose.

You can override the default location for Kotlin source code (src/kt) with the -k or --source option. You can specify this multiple times for multiple source locations.

The -t or --test option will add a dependency on org.jetbrains.kotline/kotlin-test and will also add test/kt as a default source location, if -k or --source was not specified. In other words, the following Boot invocations are equivalent:

> boot -d seancorfield/boot-kotlinc kotlinc -t repl
	> boot -d seancorfield/boot-kotlinc \
	       -d org.jetbrains.kotlin/kotlin-test \
				 -k src/kt -k test/kt kotlinc repl


  • Show how to use boot-kotlinc in your own build.boot file, how to write mixed Clojure/Kotlin projects, etc.
  • Add more options (e.g., specifying Kotlin compiler version, ability to compile to .class files in a specific output directory).


  • 0.1.2 -- 2017-11-28 -- Support kotlin.test via -t / --test option
  • 0.1.1 -- 2017-11-02 -- Allow multiple source paths (multiple -k / --source options)
  • 0.1.0 -- 2017-10-23 -- Initial version


Copyright © 2017 Sean Corfield.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.