
SOAP Client and Server using Apache Axis2.




clj-soap is a SOAP server and client using Apache Axis2.

This version is based on Sean Corfield's version, which is in turn based on Tetsuya Takatsuru's version. It includes patches from a range of forks to add new features, options and bug fixes. Shout out to contributors for the @jaimeagudo, @uswitch, @j1mr10rd4n, @scttnlsn, @jpmonettas, @rentpath forks.



You can call remote SOAP method as following:

(require '[clj-soap.client :as soap])

(let [client (soap/client-fn {:wsdl "http://... (URL for WSDL)"})]
  (client :someMethod param1 param2 ...))

The response is a Clojure object representation of the response XML.

Optional configuration data can be passed into the client-fn function:

(let [client (soap/client-fn {:wsdl "http://... (URL for WSDL)"
                              :options {; enables authentication for retrieving the WSDL
                                        ; NB: because of Axis2 internals, this must change
                                        ; the JVM-wide Authenticator default, so be careful!
                                        :wsdl-auth {:username "test"
                                                    :password "test"}
                                        ; enables authentication for all requests
                                        :auth {:username "test"
                                               :password "test"}
                                        ; specify timeout for accessing requests
                                        :timeout 10000
                                        ; enables chunked transfer for requests
                                        :chunked? true
                                        ; by default, SOAP failures result in exceptions
                                        ; setting this value to false makes failures result in standard responses
                                        :throw-faults false}})]
  (client :someMethod param1 param2 ...))

In certain situations, Axis2 doesn't detect complex arguments. To workaround this, complex arguments can be manually specified:

(let [client (soap/client-fn {:wsdl "http://... (URL for WSDL)"
                              :options {:complex-args true}})]
  (client :someMethod [["item" "test1"] ["item" "test2"]]))


To make SOAP service:

(require '[clj-soap.server :as soap])

;; Defining service class
(soap/defservice my.some.SoapClass
  (someMethod ^String [^Integer x ^String s]
              (str "x is " x "\ts is " s)))

;; Start SOAP Service
(serve "my.some.SoapClass")

defservice needs to be AOT-compiled. For example, lein compile before running server.

Type Hint

SOAP services need typehints. String for arguments and void for return value, if you don't specify typehints.


Copyright (C) 2011 Tetsuya Takatsuru

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.