
The iOS SDK for ChatSecure-Push-Server

pod try ChatSecure-Push-iOS



The iOS SDK for ChatSecure-Push-Server.

Getting Started


pod 'ChatSecure-Push-iOS', :git => ''


1. Setup

If it's the first launch and there is no account.

let client = Client(baseUrl: NSURL(string: urlString)!, urlSessionConfiguration: NSURLSessionConfiguration.defaultSessionConfiguration(), account: nil)

Or if you already have an account. You'll need to store the username and token to make API requests.

let client = Client(baseUrl: NSURL(string: urlString)!, urlSessionConfiguration: NSURLSessionConfiguration.defaultSessionConfiguration(), account: account)

2. Create account

client.registerNewUser(username, password: password, email: nil, completion: { (account, error) -> Void in
  //Save account here

3. Register new device

In order to register a new device first get an APNS token.

var settings = UIUserNotificationSettings(forTypes: (UIUserNotificationType.Badge | UIUserNotificationType.Sound | UIUserNotificationType.Alert), categories: nil)

Once you've recieved the token in the AppDelegate.

self.client.registerDevice(apnsToken, name: "New device name", deviceID: nil, completion: { (device, error) -> Void in
  //Save device here

4. Get whitelist token to hand out to a friend

self.client.createToken(apnsToken, name: "New token", completion: { (token, error) -> Void in
  //Save and send to friend

5. Send a push message to a friend

Once you receive a token from a friend you can send them a push message.

data needs to be a dictionary that is serializable to JSON.

var message = Message(token: token, data: nil)
self.client.sendMessage(message, completion: { (msg, error) -> Void in
  println("Message: \(msg)")