
Simple, Strongly Typed UserDefaults for iOS, macOS and tvOS.

ios, macos, swift, swift-framework, swift4, tvos, userdefaults
pod try DefaultsKit



cocoapods compatible carthage compatible language swift

DefaultsKit leverages Swift 4's powerful Codable capabilities and uses 50≈ or so lines of code to acomplish this.

Installation >> instructions <<


Here's a simple get example, with type inference on a complex object:

let person: Person = defaults.get(for: key)!

From the beginning...

Extend Keys with your own keys and associated value type:

extension Keys {
    static let nameKey = Key<String>("nameKey")

Instantiate, or get a shared instance of Defaults

let defaults = Defaults() // or Defaults.shared

Then get, set or has the desired key.

defaults.get(for: keys.nameKey) // Reads the `String` value
defaults.has(for: keys.nameKey) // Check if the `String` value exists
defaults.set("foo", for: keys.nameKey) // Sets a `String` value

DefaultsKit will handle more complex objects. Just conform to the Codable protocol.

struct Person: Codable {
    let name: String
    let age: Int
    let children: [Person]

Create a Key<T>, then an instance of a Codable and call set.

let key = Key<Person>("personKey")
let person = Person(name: "Bonnie Greenwell", age: 80, children: [])

defaults.set(person, for: key)

To get the saved object:

let person = defaults.get(for: key)
person?.name // Bonnie Greenwell
person?.age  // 80


SwiftyUserDefaults for the inspiration on Keys with an associated generic type.


DefaultsKit is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.