
A short description of MKBeaconXButton.

pod try MKBeaconXButton


MK Button iOS Software Development Kit Guide

  • This SDK support the company's MK Button series products.

Design instructions

  • We divide the communications between SDK and devices into two stages: Scanning stage, Connection stage.For ease of understanding, let's take a look at the related classes and the relationships between them.

MKBXBCentralManager:global manager, check system's bluetooth status, listen status changes, the most important is scan and connect to devices;

MKBXBBaseAdvModel: instance of devices, MKBXPCentralManager will create an MKBXPBaseBeacon instance while it found a physical device, a device corresponds to an instance.Currently there are MKBXBAdvDataModel(broadcast frame), MKBXBAdvRespondDataModel(respond frame);

MKBXBInterface: When the device is successfully connected, the device data can be read through the interface in MKBXBInterface;

MKBXBInterface+MKBXBConfig.h: When the device is successfully connected, you can configure the device data through the interface in MKBXBInterface+MKBXBConfig.h;

Scanning Stage

in this stage, MKBXBCentralManager will scan and analyze the advertisement data of MK Button devices, MKBXBCentralManager will create MKBXBBaseAdvModel instance for every physical devices, developers can get all advertisement data by its property.

Connection Stage

At this stage, first call readNeedPasswordWithPeripheral:sucBlock:failedBlock: to check whether the current device is connected to the password. If the user needs to enter a connection password, call connectPeripheral:password:sucBlock:failedBlock to connect; if no connection password is required, call connectPeripheral:sucBlock:failedBlock: to connect.

Get Started

Development environment:

  • Xcode9+, due to the DFU and Zip Framework based on Swift4.0, so please use Xcode9 or high version to develop;
  • iOS12, we limit the minimum iOS system version to 12.0;

Import to Project


SDK-BXB is available through CocoaPods.To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile, and then import <MKBeaconXButton/MKBXBSDK.h>:

pod 'MKBeaconXButton/SDK'

  • !!!on iOS 10 and above, Apple add authority control of bluetooth, you need add the string to "info.plist" file of your project: Privacy - Bluetooth Peripheral Usage Description - "your description". as the screenshot below.

  • !!! In iOS13 and above, Apple added permission restrictions on Bluetooth APi. You need to add a string to the project's info.plist file: Privacy-Bluetooth Always Usage Description-"Your usage description".

Start Developing

Get sharedInstance of Manager

First of all, the developer should get the sharedInstance of Manager:

MKBXBCentralManager *manager = [MKBXBCentralManager shared];

1.Start scanning task to find devices around you,please follow the steps below:

  • 1.manager.delegate = self; //Set the scan delegate and complete the related delegate methods.
  • can start the scanning task in this way:[manager startScan];
  • the sometime, you can stop the scanning task in this way:[manager stopScan];

2.Connect to device

  • 1.Read whether the device requires a connection password.
[[MKBXBCentralManager shared] readNeedPasswordWithPeripheral:peripheral sucBlock:^(NSDictionary * _Nonnull result) {
        if ([result[@"state"] isEqualToString:@"00"]) {
            //No password required.
        if ([result[@"state"] isEqualToString:@"01"]) {
            //Password required.
    } failedBlock:^(NSError * _Nonnull error) {
  • 2.Connect the device with password:
[[MKBXBCentralManager shared] connectPeripheral:peripheral password:password sucBlock:^(CBPeripheral * _Nonnull peripheral) {
    } failedBlock:^(NSError * _Nonnull error) {
  • 3.Connect the device without password:
[[MKBXBCentralManager shared] connectPeripheral:peripheral sucBlock:^(CBPeripheral * _Nonnull peripheral) {
    } failedBlock:^(NSError * _Nonnull error) {
        //Failed   dispatch_semaphore_signal(self.semaphore);

3.Get State

Through the manager, you can get the current Bluetooth status of the mobile phone and the connection status of the device. If you want to monitor the changes of these two states, you can register the following notifications to achieve:

  • When the Bluetooth status of the mobile phone changes,mk_bxb_centralManagerStateChangedNotification will be posted.You can get status in this way:
[[MKBXBCentralManager shared] centralStatus];
  • When the device connection status changes, mk_bxb_peripheralConnectStateChangedNotification will be posted.You can get the status in this way:
[MKBXBCentralManager shared].connectStatus;

4.Monitoring device disconnect reason.

Register for mk_bxb_deviceDisconnectTypeNotification notifications to monitor data.

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self

- (void)disconnectTypeNotification:(NSNotification *)note {
    NSString *type = note.userInfo[@"type"];
    After connecting the device, if no password is entered within one minute, it returns 0x01. After successful password change, it returns 0x02.The device reset ,it returns 0x03.Power Off the device ,it returns 0x04.

5.Monitor trigger record data.

When the device is connected, the user can monitor the trigger record data of the device through the following steps:

  • 1.Turn on monitoring.
//Click trigger data.
[[MKBXBCentralManager shared] notifySinglePressEventData:YES];
//Double click to trigger data.
[[MKBXBCentralManager shared] notifyDoublePressEventData:YES];
//Long press to trigger data.
[[MKBXBCentralManager shared] notifyLongPressEventData:YES];
  • 2.Register for mk_bxb_receiveAlarmEventDataNotification notifications to monitor data.
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
- (void)receiveAlarmEventData:(NSNotification *)note {
    NSDictionary *dic = note.userInfo;
    if (!ValidDict(dic)) {
    if ([dic[@"alarmType"] isEqualToString:@"00"]) {
        //"Single press mode";
    }else if ([dic[@"alarmType"] isEqualToString:@"01"]) {
        //"Double press mode";
    }else if ([dic[@"alarmType"] isEqualToString:@"02"]) {
        //"Long press mode";

6.Monitor three-axis data.

When the device is connected, the developer can monitor the three-axis data of the device through the following steps:

  • 1.Open data monitoring by the following method:
[[MKBXPCentralManager shared] notifyThreeAxisData:YES];
  • 2.Register for mk_bxb_receiveThreeAxisDataNotification notifications to monitor device three-axis data changes.

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
- (void)receiveAxisDatas:(NSNotification *)note {
    NSDictionary *dic = note.userInfo;


  • In development progress, you may find there are multiple MKBXBBaseAdvModel instance correspond to a physical device. On this point, we consulted Apple's engineers. they told us that currently on the iOS platform, CoreBluetooth framework unfriendly to the multiple slot devices(especially the advertisement data in changing). due to that sometimes app can't connect to the device, Google Eddystone solve this issue by press button on eddystone devices, our device support this operation too.
  • In scanning stage, some properties may nil, especially MAC address(restriction of iOS),if current device advertise MKBXBAdvRespondDataModel frame, then you can get name and MAC address.

Change log

  • 20220625 first version;