
The animation curve looks like Mountain View.

animation, animation-library
pod try MountainView



Carthage compatible Version License Platform

The animation curve looks like Mountain View.

Appetize's Demo

Over View

It consists of Mountain for visualizing animation and MountainView for graphing it.



You can visualize the type and easing of the animation executed. For example, if you execute as follows, you can output the progress in the log.

let mountain = Mountain()
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3) {
    mountain.climb(retainSelf: true)
        .situation {

Execution log.

begin(Mountain.Information(type: "CABasicAnimation", delay: 0.0, duration: 0.29999999999999999, reverse: false, repeatCount: 0.0, function: Optional(easeInEaseOut)))
on(progress: 0.0641036704182625, curve: 0.0977618917822838)
on(progress: 0.12283568829298, curve: 0.188721746206284)
on(progress: 0.182344779372215, curve: 0.276777744293213)
on(progress: 0.243786245584488, curve: 0.363606035709381)
on(progress: 0.303644210100174, curve: 0.444229960441589)
on(progress: 0.362437427043915, curve: 0.519574403762817)
on(progress: 0.420619368553162, curve: 0.59021383523941)
on(progress: 0.481439799070358, curve: 0.659674882888794)
on(progress: 0.54224693775177, curve: 0.724372625350952)
on(progress: 0.600623190402985, curve: 0.781640827655792)
on(progress: 0.659852802753448, curve: 0.834497272968292)
on(progress: 0.718149065971375, curve: 0.880844235420227)
on(progress: 0.77815580368042, curve: 0.922019064426422)
on(progress: 0.838306427001953, curve: 0.955803155899048)
on(progress: 0.899652481079102, curve: 0.981418073177338)
on(progress: 0.958390593528748, curve: 0.99620121717453)
on(progress: 1.0, curve: 1.0)

Since Mountain does not depend on MountainView, it can be used by itself and is lightweight.


By creating MountainView with Interface Builder, animation can be easily graphed.

@IBOutlet weak var mountainView: MountainView!

UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3) {


  • Swift 3.0
  • iOS 9.0 or later

How to Install

MountainView depends on Mountain.


Add the following to your Podfile:

pod "Mountain"


pod "MountainView"


Add the following to your Cartfile:

github "KyoheiG3/MountainView"



Climbingable: ClimbDownable (Mountain)

Start and stop get of animation.

public func climb(retainSelf: Bool = default) -> Climber
public func climbDown()

Get can be interrupted by executing climbDown.

let mountain = Mountain()
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3) {
    mountain.climb(retainSelf: true)

Climber: ClimbFinishable

Get the progress of the animation.

public func situation(_ handler: @escaping (ClimbingSituation) -> Void) -> ClimbFinishable
public func filter(_ handler: @escaping (CGFloat, CGFloat) -> Bool) -> Self
public func map(_ handler: @escaping (CGFloat) -> CGFloat) -> Self
public func finish(_ handler: @escaping (ClimbingSituation) -> Void)

You can also filter and change the data.

let mountain = Mountain()
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3) {
    mountain.climb(retainSelf: true)
        .filter { progress, curve -> Bool in
            progress > 0.5
        .map { curve in
            ceil(curve * 100)
        .situation {
        .finish {

Execution log.

begin(Mountain.Information(type: "CABasicAnimation", delay: 0.0, duration: 0.29999999999999999, reverse: false, repeatCount: 0.0, function: Optional(easeInEaseOut)))
on(progress: 0.543500006198883, curve: 73.0)
on(progress: 0.602446019649506, curve: 79.0)
on(progress: 0.661734223365784, curve: 84.0)
on(progress: 0.72049480676651, curve: 89.0)
on(progress: 0.779515981674194, curve: 93.0)
on(progress: 0.841407358646393, curve: 96.0)
on(progress: 0.899605870246887, curve: 99.0)
on(progress: 0.961408495903015, curve: 100.0)
on(progress: 1.0, curve: 100.0)


An enum to know the progress of animation.

case begin(info: Information)
case on(progress: CGFloat, curve: CGFloat)
case cancelled
case finished


It's information about animation.

public static let `default`: Information
public let type: String
public let delay: CFTimeInterval
public let duration: CFTimeInterval
public let reverse: Bool
public let repeatCount: Float
public let function: CAMediaTimingFunction?


It's also possible to get the progress of the animation with the delegate method.

public func climbingSituationDidChange(_ layer: MountainLayer, situation: ClimbingSituation)

MountainLayerHaving: Climbingable

Use it when UIView wants to know the progress of animation by itself.

public func climb() -> Climber
public func climbDown()

It's necessary to prepare MountainLayer as follows.

class View: UIView, MountainLayerHaving {
    override class var layerClass: AnyClass {
        return MountainLayer.self
    var mountainLayer: MountainLayer {
        return layer as! MountainLayer

UIView extension

You can get progress from the animation block.

open class func animate(withDuration duration: TimeInterval, delay: TimeInterval = default, options: UIViewAnimationOptions = default, retain: Bool = default, animations: @escaping () -> Void = default, situation: @escaping (ClimbingSituation) -> Void, completion: ((Bool) -> Void)? = default) -> ClimbDownable?
open class func animate(withDuration duration: TimeInterval, delay: TimeInterval = default, usingSpringWithDamping dampingRatio: CGFloat, initialSpringVelocity velocity: CGFloat, options: UIViewAnimationOptions = default, retain: Bool = default, animations: @escaping () -> Void = default, situation: @escaping (ClimbingSituation) -> Void, completion: ((Bool) -> Void)? = default) -> ClimbDownable?


It's a subclass of UIView conforming to MountainLayerHaving.

You can generate a MountainView with Interface Builder and graph the easing of the animation.

@IBOutlet weak var mountainView: MountainView!

UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3) {



Under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.