Core of Opacity

pod try OpacityCore


Opacity iOS

Wrapper for the Opacity Core library for iOS. It's both a Cocoapod and SPM package

Swift Package Manager:

  • On Xcode go to Menu BarfileAdd package dependency. Copy github repo url into the top right search field
  • Be sure to select a stable version if necessary.


  • Add OpacityCore into your Podfile
  • You need to bump your minimum deployment target to iOS 14


You might have to create a bridging header if you don't have it already.

In the file explorer, right click and create new file from template, select Swift file, and create an empty file. Xcode should prompt you to create a Bridging Header, accept and add the following line:

Afterwards you should be able to import the Opacity Swift wrapper and call the functions natively.

import OpacitySwiftWrapper

OpacitySwiftWrapper.initialize(YOUR API KEY, false, OpacitySwiftWrapper.Environment.PRODUCTION)

Sample App

To run the sample app you need to create an .env file with your OPACITY_API_KEY in pod_example/Opacity/.env


This wrapper is MIT. However, the core library contained in opacity.xcframework is not.