
The hassle-free way to add QualarooSDK to your iOS app.

pod try QualarooSDK


QualarooMobileSDK for iOS


In order to integrate the QualarooMobileSDK into a 3rd-party app, the app must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Minimum deployment target set to iOS 8.0 or later
  • Xcode 6 or later


Integrating and keeping our SDK up-to-date on any of your iOS apps can be as simple as adding one line to your Carthage file (highly recommended) and then adding a few lines into your app's source.

For those that would rather avoid any dependency manager or that would like to manually set up their project dependencies, we will also describe an alternative method based on git submodules.

Using Carthage

  1. Add github "qualaroo/iOSMobileSDK" ~> 1.0 to your Carthage file.
  2. Run carthage update
  3. Open your Xcode project and add QualarooMobileSDK.framework as an embedded framework on your app's target.

To keep our SDK up-to-date, you will typically only need to run carthage update. If you need a more comprehensive guide on maintaining Carthage dependencies, please refer to this guide.

Using as Git Submodule

You probably already know what you are doing if you are following this method, but if you need a guideline, here's a possible procedure:

  1. Run git submodule add github.com:qualaroo/iOSMobileSDK.git vendor/iOSMobileSDK
  2. (optionally) Checkout a specific tag:

    cd vendor/iOSMobileSDK
    git checkout 1.0
    cd ../.. # back to your SRCROOT
    git commit -m "Using QualarooMobileSDK 1.0"
  3. Open your Xcode project and add QualarooMobileSDK.framework as an embedded framework on your app's target.

Code Integration

Important: Our SDK requires a hosting view controller where any Qualaroo Mobile surveys will be displayed.

The typical integration procedure is as follows:

  1. Import QualarooMobileSDK into your code (e.g., a view controller)
  2. Instantiate QualarooMobile by passing a valid API key and check for any errors (instantiation may fail due to an invalid/bogus API key)
  3. Attach the QualarooMobile instance to your view controller and, optionally, specify an attachment position (bottom or top on iPhone, or a corner on iPad)
  4. Show a survey with a given ID.
  5. Cleanup: Remove QualarooMobile from the hosting view controller.

    Note: It is very important to remember removing the QualarooMobile attachment from the hosting view controller whenever it is no longer necessary and before the view controller is destroyed, otherwise we will incur into a retain cycle.

TIP: You may also want to check our Swift and Objective-C specific integration instructions.

SDK Documentation

Please refer to the documentation available here.


PENDING: Some license goes here.