
tersify DateTime objects



Data::Tersify (and corresponding plugins)

This is the repository for Data::Tersify, and a few plugins that handle verbose objects that I encounter regularly enough to have made me want to write Data::Tersify.

Data::Tersify is a solution to the problem of when you decide "OK, what's in this variable? I know, I'll dump its contents" and your scrollback fills up with pages and pages of stuff you don't care about, because the variable has a reference somewhere to something huge like a DateTime, Moose or DBIx::Class object.

There are multiple distributions in this repository because it's unreasonable to expect people to have to install all of the plugins (and that plugin's dependencies) if they don't need them. If you don't use Moose and don't have it installed, you shouldn't have to install it just so you can tersify DBIx::Class objects.