DateTime::Format::Text - Find a Date in Text
Version 0.09
Find a date in any text.
use DateTime::Format::Text;
my $dft = DateTime::Format::Text->new();
# ...
Creates a DateTime::Format::Text object. Takes no arguments
Synonym for parse().
Returns a DateTime object constructed from a date/time string embedded in arbitrary text.
Can be called as a class or object method.
When called in an array context, returns an array containing all of the matches.
If the given test is an object, it's sent the message as_string() and that is parsed
use Class::Simple;
my $foo = Class::Simple->new();
my $dt = $dft->parse($foo);
# or
print DateTime::Format::Text->parse('25 Dec 2021, 11:00 AM UTC')->epoch(), "\n";
Nigel Horne, <njh at>
Based on Here's the author information from that:
author Etienne Tremel license CC by 3.0 link version 0.2.0
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc DateTime::Format::Text
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Copyright 2019-2024 Nigel Horne.
This program is released under the following licence: GPL2