
List or install Dist::Zilla authors dependencies as Debian packages




Moved to Debian’s gitlab

With version 0.004, I’ve added a feature to edit debian/control file. This feature relies on Config::Model::Dpkg (aka libconfig-model-dpkg-perl) which is only available in Debian.

Which means that this module is no longer suitable for CPAN.

For CPAN, I’ve reverted the Debian only change and released version 0.005.

Any further development of this module will be done on Debian Perl Group / libdist-zilla-app-command-authordebs.

No new release will be done on CPAN.

What is dist-zilla-app-command-authordebs ?

It’s a Dist::Zilla command to list or install author dependencies with Debian perl packages.

This command is useful to work on the source of a Perl module that uses Dist::Zilla. This list or install missing author dependencies, i.e. mostly Dist::Zilla dependencies.

These dependencies can be used in Debian’s BuildDepends list. Note that other dependencies (runtime or used in tests) are not handled.

To install the author dependencies (i,e, all the Dist::Zilla plugins and extensions) required to build a module, run either:

dzil authordebs --install  # require sudo to allow apt-get install
sudo apt-get install $(dzil authordebs)

The former command is preferred as only apt-get command is run as root.


On Debian and derivatives:

sudo apt install libdist-zilla-app-command-authordebs-perl