The Ranking Project: Visualizations for Comparing Populations
The package RankingProject
is a companion for the articles “A Primer
on Visualizations for Comparing Populations, Including the Issue of
Overlapping Confidence
Intervals” (Wright,
Klein, and Wieczorek, 2019, The American Statistician) and “A Joint
Confidence Region for an Overall Ranking of
Populations” (Klein, Wright, and
Wieczorek, 2020, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C).
The package provides functions for plotting ranked tables of data side-by-side with their plots. The available visualizations include shaded columns plots, adjusted confidence intervals, and related plots intended for making correct inferences about one-to-many or many-to-many comparisons.
Either install from CRAN:
Or install the latest development version from GitHub:
# install.packages("devtools")
build_vignettes = TRUE)
To exactly replicate figures from the paper, following the vignettes,
you will also need the tikzDevice
# install.packages("tikzDevice")
# Load dataset of mean travel time (in minutes) to work
# of workers 16 years and over who did not work at home,
# from the 2011 American Community Survey (ACS)
USdata <- TravelTime2011
#> Rank State Estimate.2dec SE.2dec Abbreviation Region FIPS
#> 1 1 South Dakota 16.86 0.28 SD MIDWEST 46
#> 2 2 North Dakota 16.91 0.36 ND MIDWEST 38
#> 3 3 Nebraska 18.06 0.19 NE MIDWEST 31
#> 4 4 Wyoming 18.10 0.50 WY WEST 56
#> 5 5 Montana 18.18 0.32 MT WEST 30
#> 6 6 Alaska 18.39 0.33 AK PACIFIC 2
# Format estimates and SEs into strings with 2 digits past the decimal
USdata$Estimate.Print = formatC(USdata$Estimate.2dec,
format = 'f', digits = 2)
# For SEs, also drop the leading 0
USdata$SE.Print = substring(formatC(USdata$SE.2dec,
format = 'f', digits = 2),
first = 2)
# Set Colorado as the reference area
refAbbr <- "CO"
refRow <- which(USdata$Abbreviation==refAbbr)
# Set up parameter lists for table function and plot function
tableParList <- with(USdata,
list(ranks = Rank, names = State,
est = Estimate.Print, se = SE.Print,
placeType = "State"))
plotParList <- with(USdata,
list(est = Estimate.2dec, se = SE.2dec,
names = Abbreviation, refName = refAbbr,
confLevel = .9, cex = 0.6, thetaLine = 1.5,
plotType = "difference", lwdBold = 2))
# Plot demi-Bonferroni-corrected 90% CIs
# for the differences between Colorado and each other state,
# alongside a ranking table
RankPlotWithTable(tableParList = tableParList, plotParList = plotParList)
Almond, R.G., Lewis, C., Tukey, J.W., and Yan, D. (2000). “Displays for Comparing a Given State to Many Others,” The American Statistician, vol. 54, no. 2, 89-93, DOI:10.1080/00031305.2000.10474517.
Klein, M., Wright, T., and Wieczorek, J. (2020). “A Joint Confidence Region for an Overall Ranking of Populations,” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C, vol. 69, no. 3, 589-606, DOI:10.1111/rssc.12402.
Wright, T., Klein, M., and Wieczorek, J. (2019). “A Primer on Visualizations for Comparing Populations, Including the Issue of Overlapping Confidence Intervals,” The American Statistician, vol. 73, no. 2, 165-178, DOI:10.1080/00031305.2017.1392359.