
Tools for Defensive Programming



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{attempt} 0.1.0

A Friendlier Condition Handler for R, inspired by {purrr} mappers and based on {rlang}.

{attempt} is designed to handle the cases when something / someone attempts to do something it shouldn’t.

For example :

  • an attempt to run a log("a") (error)
  • an attempt to connect to a web API without an internet connexion running (error)
  • an attempt to paste() "good morning and iris (message/warning)

{attempt} provides several condition handlers, from try catch to simple message printing.

{attempt} only depends on {rlang}, making it easy to implement in other functions and packages.


From CRAN:


The dev version:




attempt is a wrapper around base try that allows you to insert a custom messsage on error.

# Error: argument non numérique pour une fonction mathématique

attempt(log("a"), msg = "Nop !")
# Error: Nop !

You can make it verbose (i.e. returning the expression):

attempt(log("a"), msg = "Nop !", verbose = TRUE)
# Error in log("a"): Nop !

Of course the result is returned if there is one:

attempt(log(1), msg = "Nop !", verbose = TRUE)
# [1] 0

As with try, the result cant be saved as an error object :

a <- attempt(log("a"), msg = "Nop !", verbose = TRUE)
# [1] "Error in log(\"a\"): Nop !\n"
# attr(,"class")
# [1] "try-error"
# attr(,"condition")
# <simpleError in log("a"): Nop !>


silent_attempt is a wrapper around silently (see further down for more info) and attempt. It attempts to run the expr, stays silent if the expression succeeds, and returns error or warnings if any.

# Error: argument non numérique pour une fonction mathématique

try catch

You can write a try catch with these params :

  • expr the expression to be evaluated
  • .e a one side formula or a function evaluated when an error occurs
  • .w a one side formula or a function evaluated when a warning occurs
  • .f a one side formula or an expression which is always evaluated before returning or exiting

In .e and .f, the .x refers to the error / warning object.

With mappers

try_catch(expr = log("a"), 
          .e = ~ paste0("There is an error: ", .x), 
          .w = ~ paste0("This is a warning: ", .x))
#[1] "There is an error: Error in log(\"a\"): argument non numérique pour une fonction mathématique\n"

          .e = ~ stop(.x), 
          .w = ~ warning(.x))
# Error in log("a") : argument non numérique pour une fonction mathématique

try_catch(matrix(1:3, nrow= 2), 
          .e = ~ print(.x), 
          .w = ~ print(.x))
#<simpleWarning in matrix(1:3, nrow = 2): la longueur des données [3] n'est pas un diviseur ni un multiple du nombre de lignes [2]>

try_catch(expr = 2 + 2 , 
          .f = ~ print("Using R for addition... ok I'm out!"))
# [1] "Using R for addition... ok I'm out!"
# [1] 4

As usual, the handlers are set only if you call them :

try_catch(matrix(1:3, nrow = 2), .e = ~ print("error"))
#      [,1] [,2]
# [1,]    1    3
# [2,]    2    1
# Warning message:
# In matrix(1:3, nrow = 2) :
#   la longueur des données [3] n'est pas un diviseur ni un multiple du nombre de lignes [2]
try_catch(matrix(1:3, nrow = 2), .w = ~ print("warning"))
# [1] "warning"

Traditionnal way

{attempt} is flexible in how you can specify your arguments.

You can, as you do with {base} tryCatch, use a plain old function:

          .e = function(e){
            print(paste0("There is an error: ", e))
            print("Ok, let's save this")
            time <- Sys.time()
            a <- paste("+ At",time, ", \nError:",e)
            # write(a, "log.txt", append = TRUE) # commented to prevent log.txt creation 
            print(paste("log saved on log.txt at", time))
            print("let's move on now")

# [1] "There is an error: Error in log(\"a\"): argument non numérique pour une fonction mathématique\n"
# [1] "Ok, let's save this"
# [1] "log saved on log.txt at 2017-12-20 18:24:05"
# [1] "let's move on now"

You can even mix both:

          .e = function(e){
            paste0("There is an error: ", e)
          .f = ~ print("I'm not sure you can do that pal !"))
# [1] "I'm not sure you can do that pal !"
# [1] "There is an error: Error in log(\"a\"): argument non numérique pour une fonction mathématique\n"

          .e = ~ paste0("There is an error: ", .x),
          .f = function() print("I'm not sure you can do that pal !"))
# [1] "I'm not sure you can do that pal !"
# [1] "There is an error: Error in log(\"a\"): argument non numérique pour une fonction mathématique\n"


try_catch_df returns a tibble with the call, the error message if any, the warning message if any, and the value of the evaluated expression or “error”. The values will always be contained in a list-column.

res_log <- try_catch_df(log("a"))
#> Error in try_catch_df(log("a")): impossible de trouver la fonction "try_catch_df"
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): objet 'res_log' introuvable
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): objet 'res_log' introuvable

res_matrix <- try_catch_df(matrix(1:3, nrow = 2))
#> Error in try_catch_df(matrix(1:3, nrow = 2)): impossible de trouver la fonction "try_catch_df"
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): objet 'res_matrix' introuvable
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): objet 'res_matrix' introuvable

res_success <- try_catch_df(log(1))
#> Error in try_catch_df(log(1)): impossible de trouver la fonction "try_catch_df"
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): objet 'res_success' introuvable
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): objet 'res_success' introuvable

map try_catch

map_try_catch and map_try_catch_df allow you to map on a list of arguments l, to be evaluated by the function in fun.

map_try_catch(l = list(1, 3, "a"), fun = log, .e = ~ .x)
#> Error in map_try_catch(l = list(1, 3, "a"), fun = log, .e = ~.x): impossible de trouver la fonction "map_try_catch"

map_try_catch_df(list(1,3,"a"), log)
#> Error in map_try_catch_df(list(1, 3, "a"), log): impossible de trouver la fonction "map_try_catch_df"


silently transforms a function so that when you call this new function, it returns nothing unless there is an error or a warning (contrary to attempt that returns the result). In a sense, the new function stay silent unless error or warning.

silent_log <- silently(log)
#> Error in silently(log): impossible de trouver la fonction "silently"
#> Error in silent_log(1): impossible de trouver la fonction "silent_log"
#> Error in silent_log("a"): impossible de trouver la fonction "silent_log"
# Error: argument non numérique pour une fonction mathématique

With silently, the result is never returned.

silent_matrix <- silently(matrix)
silent_matrix(1:3, 2)
#Warning message:
#In .f(...) :
#  la longueur des données [3] n'est pas un diviseur ni un multiple du nombre de lignes [2]


surely transforms a function so that when you call this new function, it calls attempt() - i.e. in the code below, calling sure_log(1) is the same as calling attempt(log(1)). In a sense, you’re sure this new function will always work.

sure_log <- surely(log)
# [1] 0
# Error: argument non numérique pour une fonction mathématique

if_ conditions

if_none, if_any and if_all test the elements of the list.

if_all(1:10, ~ .x < 11, ~ return(letters[1:10]))
#> Error in if_all(1:10, ~.x < 11, ~return(letters[1:10])): impossible de trouver la fonction "if_all"

if_any(1:10, is.numeric, ~ print("Yay!"))
#> Error in if_any(1:10, is.numeric, ~print("Yay!")): impossible de trouver la fonction "if_any"

if_none(1:10, is.character, ~ rnorm(10))
#> Error in if_none(1:10, is.character, ~rnorm(10)): impossible de trouver la fonction "if_none"

The defaut for all .p is isTRUE. So you can:


if_any(a, .f = ~ print("nop!"))
#> Error in if_any(a, .f = ~print("nop!")): impossible de trouver la fonction "if_any"

if_then performs a simple “if this then do that”:

if_then(1, is.numeric, ~ return("nop!"))
#> Error in if_then(1, is.numeric, ~return("nop!")): impossible de trouver la fonction "if_then"

And if_else is a wrapper around base::ifelse() :

a <- if_else(1, is.numeric, ~ return("Yay"), ~ return("Nay"))
#> Error in if_else(1, is.numeric, ~return("Yay"), ~return("Nay")): impossible de trouver la fonction "if_else"

warnings and messages

The stop_if, warn_if and message_if are easy to use functions that send an error, a warning or a message if a condition is met. Each function has its counterpart with _not. That returns a message if the condition is not met.

stop_if_not is quite the same as assert_that from the {assertthat} package, except that it can takes mappers. It is not the same as base stopifnot(), as it doesn’t take a list of expression.

These functions are also flexible as you can pass base predicates (is.numeric, is.character…), a custom predicate built with mappers, or even your own testing function.

You can either choose a custom message or just let the built-in messages be printed:

x <- 12
# Stop if .x is numeric
stop_if(.x = x, 
        .p = is.numeric)

y <- "20"
# stop if .x is not numeric
stop_if_not(.x = y, 
            .p = is.numeric, 
            msg = "y should be numeric")
a  <- "this is not numeric"
# Warn if .x is charcter
warn_if(.x = a, 
        .p = is.character)

b  <- 20
# Warn if .x is not equal to 10
warn_if_not(.x = b, 
        .p = ~ .x == 10 , 
        msg = "b should be 10")

c <- "a"
# Message if c is a character
message_if(.x = c, 
           .p = is.character, 
           msg = "You entered a character element")

# Build more complex predicates
d <- 100
message_if(.x = d, 
           .p = ~ sqrt(.x) < 42, 
           msg = "The square root of your element must be more than 42")

# Or, if you're kind of old school, you can still pass classic functions

e <- 30
message_if(.x = e, 
           .p = function(vec){
             return(sqrt(vec) < 42)
           msg = "The square root of your element must be more than 42")

If you need to call a function that takes no argument at .p (like curl::has_internet()), you can set .x as NULL, which is also the default. If ever you don’t pass anything to .x, don’t forget to name the arguments.

stop_if(.p = curl::has_internet, msg = "You shouldn't have internet to do that")

warn_if(NULL, curl::has_internet, 
            msg = "You shouldn't have internet to do that")

message_if(.p = curl::has_internet, 
            msg = "Huray, you have internet \\o/")

If you don’t specify a .p, the default test is isTRUE.

a <-$Ozone)
message_if_any(a, msg = "NA found")

In function

That can come really handy inside a function :

my_fun <- function(x){
  stop_if_not(.p = curl::has_internet, 
              msg = "You should have internet to do that")
          msg =  "x is not a character vector. The output may not be what you're expecting.")
  paste(x, "is the value.")


none, all, any

stop_if, warn_if and message_if all have complementary tests with _all, _any and _none, which combine the if_* and the warn_*, stop_* and message_* seen before. They take a list as first argument, and a predicate. They test if any, all or none of the elements validate the predicate.

stop_if_any(iris, is.factor, msg = "Factors here. This might be due to stringsAsFactors.")

warn_if_none(1:10, ~ .x < 0, msg = "You need to have at least one number under zero.")

message_if_all(1:100, is.numeric, msg = "That makes a lot of numbers.")



Thanks to Romain for the name suggestion.


Questions and feedbacks welcome!

You want to contribute ? Open a PR :) If you encounter a bug or want to suggest an enhancement, please open an issue.

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