
Simulation of Plasma Caffeine Concentrations by Using Population Pharmacokinetic Model

caffeine, medicine, monte-carlo-simulation, pharmacokinetics, pharmacometrics, toxicology


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caffsim R package: Simulation of Plasma Caffeine Concentrations by Using Population Pharmacokinetic Model

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Simulate plasma caffeine concentrations using population pharmacokinetic model described in Lee, Kim, Perera, McLachlan and Bae (2015) doi:10.1007/s00431-015-2581-x.



# Simply create single dose dataset
caffsim::caffPkparam(Weight = 20, Dose = 200, N = 20) 

# Simply create multiple dose dataset
caffsim::caffPkparamMulti(Weight = 20, Dose = 200, N = 20, Tau = 12) 

Single dose

Create a PK dataset for caffeine single dose

MyDataset <- caffPkparam(Weight = 20, Dose = 200, N = 20)
knitr::kable(head(MyDataset), format = 'markdown')
subjid Tmax Cmax AUC Half_life CL V Ka Ke
1 2.9003970 12.734147 169.58615 6.895391 1.1793416 11.73452 0.8272927 0.1005019
2 1.5941340 16.584026 224.44514 8.196288 0.8910863 10.53911 2.0995056 0.0845505
3 1.7302444 11.044962 88.01492 4.131165 2.2723420 13.54606 1.3897981 0.1677493
4 0.4804426 11.266602 96.16397 5.571876 2.0797811 16.72191 9.0472181 0.1243746
5 1.0591154 8.077437 52.87396 3.725028 3.7825806 20.33221 2.7180825 0.1860389
6 0.2847157 12.728310 65.24625 3.349133 3.0653101 14.81404 15.3275430 0.2069192

Create a dataset for concentration-time curve

MyConcTime <- caffConcTime(Weight = 20, Dose = 200, N = 20)
knitr::kable(head(MyConcTime), format = 'markdown') 
Subject Time Conc
1 0.0 0.00000
1 0.1 17.66372
1 0.2 19.40917
1 0.3 19.37823
1 0.4 19.15167
1 0.5 18.90612

Create a concentration-time curve


Create plots for publication (according to the amount of caffeine)

  • cowplot package is required
#install.packages("cowplot") # if you don't have it

MyPlotPub <- lapply(
  c(seq(100, 800, by = 100)), 
  function(x) caffPlotMulti(caffConcTime(20, x, 20)) + 
    theme(legend.position="none") + 
    labs(title = paste0("Single Dose ", x, "mg")))

plot_grid(MyPlotPub[[1]], MyPlotPub[[2]],
          MyPlotPub[[3]], MyPlotPub[[4]],
          MyPlotPub[[5]], MyPlotPub[[6]],
          MyPlotPub[[7]], MyPlotPub[[8]],
          labels=LETTERS[1:8], ncol = 2, nrow = 4)

Multiple dose

Create a PK dataset for caffeine multiple doses

MyDatasetMulti <- caffPkparamMulti(Weight = 20, Dose = 200, N = 20, Tau = 12)
knitr::kable(head(MyDatasetMulti), format = 'markdown') 
subjid TmaxS CmaxS AUCS AI Aavss Cavss Cmaxss Cminss
1 1.6342263 16.124255 323.02779 2.081215 304.77046 26.918982 36.68836 19.060022
2 0.2280164 11.513295 92.47913 1.273485 129.74616 7.706594 15.09689 3.242108
3 0.5284876 11.809599 82.99510 1.185982 107.72745 6.916258 15.19668 2.383098
4 0.6356576 20.062061 312.47832 1.810135 248.25251 26.039860 37.89499 16.960094
5 0.9068711 9.236732 55.60042 1.101123 83.58654 4.633368 12.18209 1.118752
6 1.7245049 11.479680 136.29292 1.430291 166.15773 11.357743 19.51289 5.870285

Create a dataset for concentration-time curve

MyConcTimeMulti <- caffConcTimeMulti(Weight = 20, Dose = 200, N = 20, Tau = 12, Repeat = 10)
knitr::kable(head(MyConcTimeMulti), format = 'markdown')
Subject Time Conc
1 0.0 0.000000
1 0.1 5.744079
1 0.2 9.105649
1 0.3 11.044072
1 0.4 12.132754
1 0.5 12.714412

Create a concentration-time curve


Create plots for publication (according to dosing interval)

  • cowplot package is required
#install.packages("cowplot") # if you don't have it

MyPlotMultiPub <- lapply(
  c(seq(4, 32, by = 4)), 
  function(x) caffPlotMulti(caffConcTimeMulti(20, 250, 20, x, 15)) + 
    theme(legend.position="none") + 
    labs(title = paste0("q", x, "hr" )))

plot_grid(MyPlotMultiPub[[1]], MyPlotMultiPub[[2]],
          MyPlotMultiPub[[3]], MyPlotMultiPub[[4]],
          MyPlotMultiPub[[5]], MyPlotMultiPub[[6]],
          MyPlotMultiPub[[7]], MyPlotMultiPub[[8]],
          labels=LETTERS[1:8], ncol = 2, nrow = 4)

Interactive shiny app
