
RE2 Regular Expression

r, re2, regular-expression



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RE2 is a primarily DFA based regexp engine from Google that is very fast at matching large amounts of text.


To install from GitHub:

install_github("qinwf/re2r", build_vignettes = T, force = T)

To learn how to use, you can check out the vignettes.

Related Work

Google Summer of Code - re2 regular expressions.

Brief Intro

1. Search a string for a pattern

## Sys.setlocale(locale = "English") ## for Windows users with non-UTF8 locale
## re2_match(pattern, string)

test_string = "this is just one test";
re2_match("(o.e)", test_string)
## [1] TRUE

Searches the string expression for the occurence(s) of a substring that matches 'pattern' and returns boolean result.

With value = TRUE option, function will return the capture groups with ().

(res = re2_match("(o.e)", test_string, value = TRUE))

##     ?1   
##[1,] "one"


## chr [1, 1] "one"
## - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##  ..$ : NULL
##  ..$ : chr "?1"

The return result is a character matrix. ?1 is the first capture group and it is unnamed group.

We can create named capture group with (?P<name>pattern) syntax.

(res = re2_match("(?P<testname>this)( is)", test_string, value = TRUE))

##     testname ?2   
##[1,] "this"   " is"


##[1] "matrix"

With all = TRUE option, function will return the all of patterns in a string instead of just the first one.

(res = re2_match("(is)", test_string, value = TRUE, all = TRUE))
##     !n  ?1  
##[1,] "1" "is"
##[2,] "1" "is"

!n is the index of the input string. We can provide a character vector to a pattern.

test_string = c("this is just one test", "the second test");
(res = re2_match("(is)", test_string, value = TRUE, all = TRUE))
##     !n  ?1  
##[1,] "1" "is"
##[2,] "1" "is"
##[3,] "2" NA  

If there is no capture group, and value = TRUE, the matched origin strings will be returned.

test_string = c("this is just one test", "the second test");
(res = re2_match("is", test_string, value = TRUE))
##     ?nocapture             
##[1,] "this is just one test"
##[2,] NA    

2. Replace a substring

## re2_replace(pattern, rewrite, input)

Searches the string "input string" for the occurence(s) of a substring that matches 'pattern' and replaces the found substrings with "rewrite text".

input_string = "this is just one test";
new_string = "my"
re2_replace("(o.e)", new_string, input_string)
## [1] "this is just my test"

3. Extract a substring

## re2_extract(pattern, input, rewrite = optional)

Searches the string "input string" for the occurence(s) of a substring that matches 'pattern' and return the found substrings with "rewrite text".

re2_extract("(.)","yabba dabba doo")
## [1] "y"
## [1] "me!test"

\\1 and \\2 are the first and second capture groups.

4. Regular Expression Object for better performance

We can create a regular expression object (RE2 object) from a string. It will reduce the time to parse the syntax of the same pattern.

And this will also give us more option for the pattern. run help(re2) to get more detials.

regexp = re2("test",case_sensitive = FALSE)
## re2 pre-compiled regular expression
## pattern: test
## number of capturing subpatterns: 0
## capturing names with indices: 
## named integer(0)
## expression size: 11

regexp %<~% "(?P<first>1*)"
## re2 pre-compiled regular expression
## pattern: (?P<first>1*)
## number of capturing subpatterns: 1
## capturing names with indices: 
## first 
##     1 
## expression size: 8

%<~% is a operator to create a new RE2 object.

regexp = re2("test",case_sensitive = FALSE)
re2_match(regexp, "TEST")
## [1] TRUE
re2_replace(regexp, "ops", "TEST")
## [1] "ops"

If you come from a Perl world, you may be insterested in %=~% %!~%.

"TEST" %=~% regexp
## [1] TRUE
"TEST" %!~% regexp
## [1] FALSE