A DLang library for creating telegram bots
- Unified request execution method - execute
- Unified types struct - abstract TelegramType
- Full Telegram types support
- Widespread use of exceptions
- Webhook support
- Full methods implementation
- Write more examples
- [*] Updates checking loop
- [*] Signals for updtaes processing
The basics
Every telegram type has 2 method for simple data sending/recieving
TelegramType.getAsJson(); // Returns the type as a JSON record
TelegramType.setFromJson(); // Init type`s values from server`s JSON response
Bot creating
TelegramBot bot = new TelegramBot(bot_api);
File sending
// There is a special type for sending files
TelegramInputFile id = TelegramInputFile.createFromId(id); // Creates file for sending from already downloaded to the server file by it`s id
TelegramInputFile url = TelegramInputFile.createFromUrl(url); // Creates file for sending from file form the Internek
TelegramInputFile local = TelegramInputFile.createFromFile(path); // Creates file for sending from local file
Generating types implementation
You can regenerate types by this repo