
A simple window focus toggler

application, desktop
dub fetch wintoggle --version 2.0.0



A simple window focus toggler. Useful in conjunction with global hotkeys.

Warning: This has been tested on KDE 4.* only. It is not likely to work on X sessions without virtual desktop support ("_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP" support is required)

The program works in the following fashion:

  • [Stage 1]: The currently focused window (and all its parents) are matched against a class name. If any of them matches, the window is minimized and the program terminates. Otherwise the program proceeds to Stage 2.

  • [Stage 2]: All windows on the current display are scanned. The first window that matches is maximized. If nothing is matched, the program proceeds to Stage 3

  • [Stage 3]: An attempt is made to launch the executable that is supposed to have the specified window class name.

CLI arguments:

wintoggle (class) [executable] [-h/--help]

* class: The window class to match
* executable (optional): The executable to launch on failure. If it is omitted, the class name is used
* -h / --help: Display this message