
Looping functions like while and until

elm, elm-lang
elm-package install Chadtech/elm-loop 1.0.3


Elm Loop

This is just an elm lang implementation of the while loop, typical to many C syntax languages. It exposes while and until.

var index = 0;
while (index < 100) {

..can be expressed in Elm as..

Loop.while ((>) 100) 0 ((+) 1)

Check out the find primes example in the examples folder to see a realistic application of this package.

Think twice before using this package.

You probably dont need this package. I made it mostly for fun. You should be mapping, folding, and using recursion most of the time. If you need to transform all the values in a list, use a map. If you need to collapse all the values in a list, use a fold. Below is an example of how to use recursion well. Even my find primes example could be accomplished with List.range and List.filter. Use a while loop if and only if you need to do recursion, and the condition logic that determines whether to continue the recursion is super complicated and involves many variables.

-- Recusrion examples
firstJust : List (Maybe a) -> Maybe a
firstJust maybes =
    case maybes of
        Just value :: _ ->
            Just value

        Nothing :: rest ->
            firstJust rest

        [] ->

type RemoteData a 
    = Data a
    | Loading
    | Error String

allFinished : List (RemoteData a) -> Bool
allFinished remoteData =
    case remoteData of
        Loading :: _ ->

        _ :: rest ->
            allFinished rest

        [] ->