
Elm bindings for REGL

elm-package install linsyking/elm-regl 4.1.0



Elm bindings for regl.

Aims to provide a set of declarative APIs to use WebGL in Elm through regl. Users don't need to worry about the low-level implementation but can write flexible, powerful effects using shaders efficiently.


You can learn how to use Elm-regl in the following ways:

  • See the examples in test.
  • Read the API docs.

Example Usage [ REGL.crt 50 ]
    [ REGL.clear (Color.rgba 1 1 1 1)
    , REGL.textbox ( 0, 1050 ) 100 ("hello :)" "arial"
    , REGL.quad ( 0, 0 ) ( 1920, 0 ) ( 1920 / 3, 1080 / 3 ) ( 0, 1080 ) (Color.rgba 1 0.2 0.4 1)
    , [ REGL.blur 1 ]
        [ REGL.clear (Color.rgba 1 0.2 0.4 0)
        , REGL.triangle ( 700, 100 ) ( 700 + 100, 100 ) ( 700 + 100, 100 / 2 )
        , REGL.triangle ( 500, 100 ) ( 500 + 100, 100 ) ( 500 + 100, 100 / 2 )
    , REGL.poly
        [ ( 1100, 600 )
        , ( 1100, 650 )
        , ( 1200, 680 )
        , ( 1300, 650 )
        , ( 1200, 600 )
    , REGL.texture ( 0, 0 ) ( 600, 0 ) ( 600, 300 ) ( 0, 300 ) "enemy" is similar to group in Elm-Canvas. It groups a list of Renderables into one. Renderable is a drawing command. Elm-regl provides several basic drawing commands like triangles, circles, etc. Unlike Elm Canvas, Elm-regl provides higher flexibility for one to operate on Renderables.

First, every Effect (similar to Setting in Elm-Canvas) is a shader that could be parameterized or customized by the users.

Second, users could use Compositors, e.g.,

REGL.Compositors.imgFade "mask" t renderable1 renderable2

to composite two groups of Renderables. Users also could write custom compositors through the GLSL shader language.

Notable Features

  • Use Framebuffer Objects (FBO) to draw.
  • Use Multi-channel Signed Distance Field (MSDF) to render text.
  • Efficient port in JS.

The corresponding JS port is open-sourced at elm-regl-js.