Super simple structured logging mechanism for Go projects with Stackdriver format compatibility
go get -u
Use the script to deploy your Go project to the Artifactory go-local repository. Here's how you can do it:
If your project includes a go.mod file with a defined module name, deploy by specifying only the version:
./ v1.0.0
If your project does not have a go.mod, use:
./ v1.0.0
Ensure that ARTIFACTORY_ACCESS_TOKEN, ARTIFACTORY_URL, and ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME are present in the environment variables before using the script.
package main
import (
// There should be a LOG_LEVEL environment variable set, which is read by the library
// If no value is set, the default LOG_LEVEL will be INFO
func main() {
// Stackdriver requires a project name and version to be set. Use your environment for these values.
// SERVICE should be your GCP project-id, e.g. my-gce-project-id
// VERSION is an arbitrary value
log := logger.New()
// You can also initialize the logger with a context, the values will persisted throughout the scope of the logger instance
log = logger.New().With(logger.Fields{
"user": "+1234567890",
"action": "create-account",
param := "something useful here"
// Log a DEBUG message, only visible in when LOG_LEVEL is set to DEBUG
log.With(logger.Fields{"key": "val", "something": true}).Debug("debug message goes here")
log.With(logger.Fields{"key": "val"}).Debugf("debug message with %s", param)
// Log an INFO message, should be used for metrics as well
log.With(logger.Fields{"key": "val", "names": []string{"Mauricio", "Manuel"}}).Info("info message goes here")
log.With(logger.Fields{"key": "val"}).Infof("info message with %s", param)
// Log a WARN message
log.With(logger.Fields{"key": "val"}).Warn("warn message goes here")
log.With(logger.Fields{"key": "val"}).Warnf("warn message with %s", param)
// Error() prints the stacktrace as part of the payload for each entry and sends the
// data to Stackdriver Error Reporting service
log.With(logger.Fields{"key": "val"}).Error("error message goes here")
log.With(logger.Fields{"key": "val"}).Errorf("error message with %s", param)
The errors require a specific JSON format for them to be ingested and processed by Google Cloud Platform Stackdriver Logging and Error Reporting. See: The resulting output has the following format, optional fields are... well, optional:
"severity": "ERROR",
"eventTime": "2017-04-26T02:29:33-04:00",
"message": "An error just happened!",
"serviceContext": {
"service": "my-gce-project-id",
"version": "1.0"
"context": {
"data": {
"clientIP": "",
"userAgent": "Mosaic 1.0"
"reportLocation": {
"filePath": "/Users/mc/Documents/src/",
"functionName": "unknown",
"lineNumber": 15
"stacktrace": "goroutine 1 [running]:main.main()\n\t/ +0x1a9\n"
This package is licensed under the BSD 3-clause license.