Beerus is a web framework developed entirely in go, Based on net/http, it extends the management of routes, adds interceptors, session management, receiving parameters with struct, parameter validation, etc. It also provides WebSocket support to upgrade the http protocol to WebSocket and implement communication.

beerus, go, golang, network, route, web
go get


Beerus ·

Beerus is a web framework developed entirely in go, Based on net/http, it extends the management of routes, adds interceptors, session management, receiving parameters with struct, parameter validation, etc. It also provides WebSocket support to upgrade the http protocol to WebSocket and implement communication.


go get



HTTP example

Create a function to manage the routing configuration

func CreateRoute() {
    // Any request method can use the parameters of the routing function to receive the request parameters
    // Routing functions must have a return value, supported types: struct, map, array
    route.POST("/example/post", func (param  DemoParam, req commons.BeeRequest, res commons.BeeResponse) (map[string]string, error) {
        if xxx {
            return nil, errors.New("The error message you want to return to the front-end")
        msg := make(map[string]string)
        msg["msg"] = "success"
        return param, nil

// DemoParam If you have a struct like this, and you want to put all the parameters from the request into this struct
type DemoParam struct {
    // You can customize any field
    // the name of the field must be exactly the same as the name of the requested parameter, and is case-sensitive
    TestStringReception  string  `notnull:"true" msg:"TestStringReception Cannot be empty" routes:"/example/put"`
    TestIntReception     int     `max:"123" min:"32" msg:"TestIntReception The value range must be between 32 - 123" routes:"/example/post"`
    TestUintReception    uint    `max:"123" min:"32" msg:"TestUintReception The value range must be between 32 - 123"`
    TestFloatReception   float32 `max:"123" min:"32" msg:"TestFloatReception The value range must be between 32 - 123"`
    TestBoolReception    bool
    TestStringRegReception string `reg:"^[a-z]+$" msg:"TestStringRegReception Does not meet the regular"`
    TestBeeFileReception commons.BeeFile
    TestJsonReception []string

Start Service

func main() {
    // Interceptors, routes, etc. Loading of data requires its own calls
    // Listen the service and listen to port 8080

Non-JSON modes

func CreateRoute() {

    // Turn off json mode, it is on by default
    route.JsonMode = false
    // In non-json mode, you need to call the Send function in the res object yourself to return the data
    route.POST("/example/post", func (param  DemoParam, req commons.BeeRequest, res commons.BeeResponse) {
        // ----- Only non-json mode requires manual validation -----
        // If you're in json mode, you don't need to write the following code
        // Separate validation of data in struct, this feature can be used independently in any case and is not limited to the routing layer.
        var result = params.Validation(req, &param, param)
        if result != params.SUCCESS {
            res.SendErrorMsg(1128, result)
        // It can respond to any type of data, but for demonstration purposes we are still using json here.

// DemoParam If you have a struct like this, and you want to put all the parameters from the request into this struct
type DemoParam struct {
    // You can customize any field
    // the name of the field must be exactly the same as the name of the requested parameter, and is case-sensitive
    TestStringReception  string  `notnull:"true" msg:"TestStringReception Cannot be empty" routes:"/example/put"`
    TestIntReception     int     `max:"123" min:"32" msg:"TestIntReception The value range must be between 32 - 123" routes:"/example/post"`
    TestUintReception    uint    `max:"123" min:"32" msg:"TestUintReception The value range must be between 32 - 123"`
    TestFloatReception   float32 `max:"123" min:"32" msg:"TestFloatReception The value range must be between 32 - 123"`
    TestBoolReception    bool
    TestStringRegReception string `reg:"^[a-z]+$" msg:"TestStringRegReception Does not meet the regular"`
    TestBeeFileReception commons.BeeFile
    TestJsonReception []string

WebSocket example

CreateWebSocketRoute Creating websocket routes

func CreateWebSocketRoute() {
	wroute.AddWebSocketRoute("/ws/test", onConnection, onMessage, onClose)
	wroute.AddWebSocketRoute("/ws/test2", onConnection, onMessage, onClose)

// In order to save time, only three functions are used below. In practice, you can configure a set of functions for each wroute

func onConnection(session *wparams.WebSocketSession, msg string) {
	session.SendString("connection success")

func onMessage(session *wparams.WebSocketSession, msg string) {
	session.SendString("I got the message.")

func onClose(session *wparams.WebSocketSession, msg string) {
    println(msg + "-------------------------------")

Start Service

func main() {
    // Interceptors, routes, etc. Loading of data requires its own calls
    // Listen the service and listen to port 8080

Complete sample code

Database operations



Beerus is MIT licensed