go get


⚠️ This is a take-home task as part of a job application, not a real library

Form3 Accounts Client Library

A Form3 accounts API client library for go.


Install in your project using:

$ go get

This repo is structured to accommodate implementations of other apis under the Form3 namespace including future versions of the accounts api.

Thus the accountsv1 code lives in the accountsv1 directory and can be imported with:

import (


  • You can provide your own http.Client to configure requests how you wish.
  • Methods accept a context parameter to enable cancellable requests.
  • API generated errors include the raw HTTP response to allow you to perform deeper inspection.


This library exports a Client struct with three methods to manage Form3 accounts, Create, Delete & Fetch with the following signatures:

type Client struct {
	HttpClient http.Client // Can be used to configure extra http details
	BaseUrl    string      // The base URL of the Form3 accounts API
	EndPoint   string      // The accounts endpoint

Sensible defaults will be used when no values are given.

// Creates a new account
	ctx context.Context, // To enable standard golang context management
	account AccountData  // The account to create
) (
	*AccountData, // The created account returned from the API
	error         // An error object if one occurred

// Deletes an account with the given id and version
	ctx context.Context, // To enable standard golang context management
	accountUuid string,  // The UUID of the account you wish to delete
	version int64        // Used to prevent concurrency clashes (presumably)
) error // An error object if one occurred

// Fetches an account with the given id
	ctx context.Context,
	accountUuid string
) (
	*AccountData, // The account returned from the API
	error         // An error object if one occurred

Example Usage

package main

import (

	accountsv1 ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()

	c := accountsv1.Client{
		BaseUrl: "http://localhost:8080",

	// Define an account
	country := "AU"
	createAccountRequest := accountsv1.AccountData{
		OrganisationID: "3de43a70-1e5a-4e03-942d-96fb6f345ffa",
		ID:             "654a4fe5-766f-452c-b7e3-8c7c5030668b",
		Type:           "accounts",
		Attributes: &accountsv1.AccountAttributes{
			Name:    []string{"dylan"},
			Country: &country,

	// Create
	createdAccount, err := c.Create(ctx, createAccountRequest)
	if (err != nil) {
		// handle error
		// statusCode := err.HttpResponse.StatusCode
		// errorMessage := err.Message

	// Fetch
	account, err := c.Fetch(ctx, "654a4fe5-766f-452c-b7e3-8c7c5030668b")
	if (err != nil) {
		// handle error

	// Delete
	err = c.Delete(ctx, "654a4fe5-766f-452c-b7e3-8c7c5030668b", *account.Version)
	if (err != nil) {
		// handle error


All tests can be run against a mocked api or against a running api service. By default tests are run against both and are configured to run using the provided docker-compose.yml.

Running the integration tests can be disabled using the --offline flag like so:

$ go test ./accountsv1 --offline

You can also configure the API base URL for integration tests to run against using the --base-url flag:

$ go test ./accountsv1 --base-url http://localhost:8080

Tests run automatically using a GitHub workflow.