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Apicurio Registry Kubernetes E2E testsuite

This repository contains a golang testsuite to verify apicurio-registry-operator and apicurio-registry. This testsuite is used to verify apicurio-registry-operator functionality in Kubernetes/Openshift, while at the same time is able to execute apicurio-registry functional tests (written in Java) to verify the functionality of apicurio-registry while deployed in Kubernetes/Openshift.

How the testsuite works?

This testsuite can be executed with different parameters that will result in a combination of different testcases being executed. Our testcases are mainly differentiated by the type of deployment used to deploy apicurio-registry-operator.

We differentiate two types of apicurio-registry-operator deployment:

  • OLM deployment, this part of the testsuite can be found here
  • bundle deployment, this means deploying the operator by just appliying the operator yaml manifests directly to Kubernetes/Openshift. this part of the testsuite can be found here

We are using Ginkgo as the framework to develop this testsuite, and actually the tests for each one of deployment types are invoked from separated Ginkgo testsuites. i.e: OLM testsuite

Our Ginkgo testsuites usually follow this procedure:

  • deploy apicurio-registry-operator using any deployment type, usually this creates a test namespace apicurio-registry-e2e
  • run multiple testcases that test the functionality of the operator, i.e: deploy apicurio-registry using sql storage
    • if functional testing is enabled, the Java Integration tests are invoked to verify that the deployed apicurio-registry instance works correctly
    • if no functional testing is enabled, a set of simple http requests are made to the apicurio-registry instance in order to verify it's properly deployed and alive.
  • deprovision the deployed apicurio-registry instance (provisioning and deprovisioning is done for each testcase)
  • collect logs from all the pods deployed in the test namespace, collect events and related kubernetes resources and logs ...
  • remove the apicurio-registry-operator deployment from the Kubernetes/Openshift cluster and clean up any other resources

Regardless of the deployment type used we have some basic testcases that are common to this two deployment types, i.e: deploy apicurio-registry with each one of the available storages(i.e: kafkasql and sql)

How to start using the testsuite?

The easiest way to get an idea of how to run the testsuite is by checking our Github Actions Workflows

But here is an example of how to run the operator tests.

Note You need a Kubernetes or Openshift cluster. This document will cover how to run the testsuite in Kubernetes. You need to have the tool Kind installed. There is an utility script to do that in /scripts/

And then run:

make run-operator-ci

This will create a specific Kind cluster with OLM available, then it will create a catalog-source image from the apicurio-registry-operator-metadata image in order to successfully test operator OLM installation, and finally it will execute the tests under /testsuite folder.