A CLI tool that simplifies boiler code creation

go get



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Example GIF

Tired of repetitive, boilerplate code? forge-template is here to rescue you! No more wasting time on generic, repetitive tasks! With forge-template you can quickly generate templates tailored to your project requirements, letting you focus on what really matters, your code.

Table of Contents


Go tool

If you have Go installed on your system, you can use the go install command to install forge-template. Run the following command in your terminal:

go install


  1. Navigate to the Releases page.
  2. Download the appropriate file for your Unix/Linux system.
  3. After downloading the file open a terminal and run the following command to rename the download
mv ~/PATH_TO_DOWNLOAD/downloaded_file ~/PATH_TO_DOWNLOAD/forge-template.
  1. Move the renamed file to a directory in your PATH. It can be done with the command below

If you are unsure how to add a directory to your path you can follow the commands below

mkdir ~/bin
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin"' >> ~/.bashrc  # For bash
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin"' >> ~/.zshrc   # For zsh
mv ~/PATH_TO_DOWNLOAD/forge-template ~/bin


  1. Navigate to the Releases page.
  2. Download the appropriate file for your Windows system.
  3. After downloading the file open a Command Prompt in administrator mode and run the following command to rename the download
rename C:\PATH_TO_DOWNLOAD\downloaded_file forge-template
  1. Move the renamed file to a directory in your PATH. It can be done with the command below

If you are unsure how to add a directory to your path you can follow the commands below

mkdir C:\bin
setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\bin"
move C:\PATH_TO_DOWNLOAD\forge-template C:\bin

Basic Syntax

Defining Variable Values

To define variable values in your template simply wrap the variable with <>, like this <<VARIABLE_NAME>>. When creating the template we will reference the the VARIABLE_NAME and prompt you to provide values.

Escaping Variable Values

In the case your code requires the symbols <> wrapped around a variable, please use the \ to escape the variable.


import React from 'react';

interface <<ComponentName>>Props {}

// Only need 1 escape over here         *
export const <<ComponentName>>: React.FC\<<<ComponentName>>Props> = ({ }) {
  return <>Hello From <<ComponentName>></>;

Defining a file template

To define a file template run forge-template and select the Create File Template option. This will open up tool tips that prompt you for the file name and template code. Once this data is saved, you can run forge-template again and select Create File From Template option. This will open a tool tip to select the file template you want to create, and prompt you to provide variables if necessary.

Defining a file template Example

  1. Run forge-template and select Create File Template
  2. Provide the name controller.tsx in the input box and press Ctrl+s to save
  3. Provide the following template code in the text area and press Ctrl+s to save
import React from 'react';

interface <<ComponentName>>Props {}

export const <<ComponentName>>: React.FC\<<<ComponentName>>Props> = ({ }) {
  return <>Hello From <<ComponentName>></>;
  1. Run forge-template again and select Create File From Template
  2. Use the arrow keys to select controller.tsx
  3. Provide the value User when prompted to provide a value for ComponentName. Press Ctrl+s to save
  4. View the newly generated file with your favorite text editor

Defining a directory template

To define a directory template run forge-template and select the Create Directory Template option. This will open up tool tips that prompt you for the directory name and template code. Once this data is saved, you can run forge-template again and select Create Directory From Template option. This will open a tool tip to select the file template you want to create, and prompt you to provide variables if necessary.

Directory Template Syntax

  • Use <<>> to define variable values
  • The root element should have no leading symbols or spaces
  • Use . as the root element to define the directory structure to build out from current directory
  • Child directories and files should have 3 leading spaces. If you have more than 3 you will get an error and less than three will not result in a child element being created
  • Directories are prefaced with |--
  • Files are prefaced with |-

Defining a directory template Example

  1. Run forge-template and select Create Directory Template
  2. Provide the name basic-structure in the input box and press Ctrl+s to save
  3. Provide the following template code in the text area and press Ctrl+s to save
   |-- src
      |- index.js
   |-- test
      |-- index.test.js
  1. Run forge-template again and select Create Directory From Template
  2. Use the arrow keys to select basic-structure
  3. View the newly generated file with your favorite text editor

Using Terminal commands

Help Tool

If you forget any command and need help on the fly use the --help or -h flag. This flag is used at the end of the command you want to run to explain the final command.

For example, forge-template --help will open a tool tip explaining the forge-template command, possible flags, and available commands that can be used.

Terminal command for creating a file template

To create a file template, use the following command in terminal

forge-template create-template --file --templateName <DESIRED_TEMPLATE_NAME>

Alternatively, this command can be written short form as

forge-template ct -f -t <DESIRED_TEMPLATE_NAME>

For more info run

forge-template ct -h

Terminal command for creating a directory template

To create a directory template, use the following command in terminal

forge-template create-template --directory --templateName <DESIRED_TEMPLATE_NAME>

Alternatively, this command can be written short form as

forge-template ct -d -t <DESIRED_TEMPLATE_NAME>

For more info run

forge-template ct -h

Terminal command for creating a directory from a template

To create a directory from a template, use the following command in terminal

forge-template create-directory --templateName <YOUR_TEMPLATE_NAME>

Alternatively, this command can be written short form as

forge-template cd -t <YOUR_TEMPLATE_NAME>

For more info run

forge-template cd -h

Terminal command for creating a file from a template

To create a file from a template, use the following command in terminal

forge-template create-file --filename <DESIRED_FILE_NAME> --templateName <YOUR_TEMPLATE_NAME>

Alternatively, this command can be written short form as

forge-template cf -f <DESIRED_FILE_NAME> -t <YOUR_TEMPLATE_NAME>

For more info run

forge-template cf -h

Terminal command for deleting a directory template

To delete a directory template, use the following command in terminal

forge-template delete-template --directory --templateName <DESIRED_TEMPLATE_NAME>

Alternatively, this command can be written short form as

forge-template dt -d -t <DESIRED_TEMPLATE_NAME>

For more info run

forge-template dt -h

Terminal command for deleting a file template

To delete a file template, use the following command in terminal

forge-template delete-template --file --templateName <DESIRED_TEMPLATE_NAME>

Alternatively, this command can be written short form as

forge-template dt -f -t <DESIRED_TEMPLATE_NAME>

For more info run

forge-template dt -h