Generate Go structs from XML Schema via XSLT

go get



xsd2go.xsl is an XSLT stylesheet that converts XML Schema to Go type definitions. Not all XSD elements are supported, but the most popular are:

  • global and local element definitions and declarations, local definitions are hoisted to the package level
  • attribute
  • simpleType, complexType and simpleContent, complexContent
  • sequence and choice
  • extension, restriction and enumeration
  • annotation and documentation


The stylesheet uses XSLT 1.0 plus a tokenize function from EXSLT as supported by xsltproc (libxml2)

xsltproc xsd2go.xsl some.xsd > some.go

The following parameters are supported (--stringparam in xsltproc):

  • indent indent string, default 2 spaces
  • break line break char, default 
 or CR (carriage return)
  • debug write out schema types in comments, default 'no'
  • buildtag //go:build tags for the generated file, default empty
  • targetNamespace defaults to /xs:schema/@targetNamespace
  • package Go package name, defaults to str:tokenize(str:tokenize($targetNamespace, '/')[last()],'.')[1]
  • omitempty whether to set omitempty modifier on field tags for optional and repeating elements, default yes
  • xmlns_xsd defaults to
  • attributeForm qualified or unqualified, defaults to xs:schema/@attributeFormDefault
  • qAttrType data type to use for qualified attributes, defaults to string which is non-qualified, see PrefixAttr
  • qAttrImport import for the qualified attributes type package, e.g xmlext "". Note that this import is applied only when attributeForm is qualified
  • dateTimeType data type to use for XSD dateTime, defaults to string
  • timeType data type to use for XSD time, defaults to string
  • dateType data type to use for XSD date, defaults to string
  • decimalType data type to use for XSD decimal, defaults to float64
  • typeImports comma-separated list of imports for additional type definitions used for date/time and decimal types
  • json should json tags be generated as well, default no

You can also see rendered Go structs in the browser by prepending:

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="xsd2go.xsl"?>

to the XSD and opening the file in the browser, best by serving it with a local HTTP server like python3 -m http.server to avoid local security constraints. This works in Firefox but fails silently in Chrome, likely because of missing EXSLT support.

Use in a Go build

This repo includes a simple Go wrapper over xsltproc which you can run with:

go run <in.xsd> <out.go> <param-name=param-value>,...


go run xsd/ncip_v2_02.xsd ncip/schema.go "qAttrImport=utils \"\"" qAttrType=utils.PrefixAttr dateTimeType=utils.XSDDateTime

This allows using it in a Go project during the build with go generate. E.g by adding a Go xsd-gen.go file to the project with:

package ncip

//go:generate go  run xsd/ncip_v2_02.xsd ncip/schema.go "qAttrImport=utils \"\"" qAttrType=utils.PrefixAttr dateTimeType=utils.XSDDateTime decimalType=utils.XSDDecimal

and running:

go generate

Additionally, you can add a disabled source file with an import for this project to force Go handling it as a dependency:

//go:build tools

package tools

//build-time toolchain dependencies
import (
	_ ""


There are example XSDs and corresponding generated Go models under ./xsd.