Utilities for creating, parsing, and validating IPNS records

ipfs, ipns
go get github.com/ipfs/go-ipns



ipns record definitions

standard-readme compliant GoDoc

❗ This repo is no longer maintained.

👉 We highly recommend switching to the maintained version at https://github.com/ipfs/boxo/tree/main/ipns. 🏎️ Good news! There is tooling and documentation to expedite a switch in your repo.

⚠️ If you continue using this repo, please note that security fixes will not be provided (unless someone steps in to maintain it).

📚 Learn more, including how to take the maintainership mantle or ask questions, here.

This package contains all of the components necessary to create, understand, and validate IPNS records. It does not publish or resolve those records. Kubo uses this package internally to manipulate records.


To create a new IPNS record:

import (

	ipns "github.com/ipfs/go-ipns"
	crypto "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-crypto"

// Generate a private key to sign the IPNS record with. Most of the time, 
// however, you'll want to retrieve an already-existing key from IPFS using the
// go-ipfs/core/coreapi CoreAPI.KeyAPI() interface.
privateKey, publicKey, err := crypto.GenerateKeyPair(crypto.RSA, 2048)
if err != nil {

// Create an IPNS record that expires in one hour and points to the IPFS address
// /ipfs/Qme1knMqwt1hKZbc1BmQFmnm9f36nyQGwXxPGVpVJ9rMK5
ipnsRecord, err := ipns.Create(privateKey, []byte("/ipfs/Qme1knMqwt1hKZbc1BmQFmnm9f36nyQGwXxPGVpVJ9rMK5"), 0, time.Now().Add(1*time.Hour))
if err != nil {

Once you have the record, you’ll need to use IPFS to publish it.

There are several other major operations you can do with go-ipns. Check out the API docs or look at the tests in this repo for examples.



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Copyright (c) Protocol Labs, Inc. under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.