Go media worker proof of concept and structured app

go get


Go Media Servers


  • Media worker servers are generally managed via our python media-workers cluster etc
  • More optimized tasks are built in go and go here. These should still connect to the same gearman servers, but we can scale these servers a bit easier as a seperate component


  • To enable vim syntax for golang: cp $GOROOT/misc/vim/go.vim ~/.vim/syntax
  • Sample Encoding Job With GMF

Application structure

  • 1.) Bootstrap -- should load up the correct configuration for the application

    • config
    • error handlers -- both application wide and booting
    • gearman handlers -- create client / workers etc ... boot workers as well?
  • 2.) Encoder -- should have various functions that can encode a video and export the results to the correct location etc

    • initialize an encoder function that can take in a filePath and encode the file properly
  • 3.) Upload -- should upload the element to an s3 key as specified

    • upload an element to s3 given correct parameters and settings etc
    • should use multipart upload if relevant
  • 4.) Utilities -- utilities for various pieces of application

    • file naming utilities
    • buffer to json utility -- send a bitstream and return a decoded json struct
  • 5.) App -- should control the various tasks and create a master task runner that will run on several cores in parallel

    • should read multiple parameters to determine how many cores and processes can efficiently be run

Testing Environments

  • gowatch -test (run inside of a directory to continually test application)
  • need to create , r commands within local.vimrc to trigger file changes etc
  • Note: when running go test bootstrap there is no output. However, running go test from within the bootstrap package directory, it will diesplay output

Google Go Media Framework

  • 1.) Initialize media framework using ffmpeg 0.8 from source
  • 2.) Build framework and link up proper environment variables etc
  • 3.) Export $FFMPEG into path
  • 4.) Review this patch