A smart organic views counter library for PostgreSQL, configurable to count views for any tables and columns

counter, go, middleware, organic, sql, views
go get


Organic Views counter in Go

Imagine you have tables with a view_count column, but you don't want to write separate api for them and you want to prevent DOS type increment. This library is a solution for you.

CREATE TABLE tbl_driver
    id              SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    first_name      VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    view_count      INT          NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    deleted         INT          NOT NULL DEFAULT 0

CREATE TABLE tbl_vehicle
    id              SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    numberplate      VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    view_count      INT          NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    deleted         INT          NOT NULL DEFAULT 0

An example how you can integrate viewscounter into Gin API. You should create a middleware handler

package middlewares

import (

var viewTracker *viewscount.ViewTracker

func InitializeViewTracker(db interface{}, minutesGap time.Duration) {
	viewTracker = viewscount.NewViewTracker(db, minutesGap)

func ViewCounterMiddleware(tableName string) gin.HandlerFunc {
	return func(c *gin.Context) {
		id := c.Param("id")
		if id == "" {

		idInt := 0
		fmt.Sscanf(id, "%d", &idInt)

		if err := viewTracker.HandleView(c.Request, tableName, idInt); err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Error tracking view: %v\n", err)

In your main app you should import created middleware and configure the database (supports sql.DB and pgxscann.DB)

func main() {
	middlewares.InitializeViewTracker(database.DB, 10)	

	// some routers controllers:
	router.GET("/:id", middlewares.ViewCounterMiddleware("tbl_driver"), services.GetDriver)