Demo app to show mmbros/taskengine package usage

go get



Demo app to show mmbros/taskengine package usage.

Available commands:

  • demo Execute a demo scenario, show progress and output results in json format
  • server Start an http server to show json files containing the results of execution
  • version Print version information

demo command

Performs a demo scenario and save results in json format.


  • workers number of workers
  • instances instances of each worker
  • tasks number of tasks
  • progress show progress of execution
  • seed random seed generator
  • spread perc of how many workers executes each tasks (0..100)
  • output pathname of the output file
  • force overwrite already existing output file

Random Result options:

  • mean mean value
  • stddev standard deviation
  • errperc perc of task error (0..100)

server command

Start an http server to view a page with graphs based upon the taskengine json files created with the demo command.


  • address server address and port
  • folder folder containing the json files
  • recursive search recursively all the json files of the sub-folders

Workers graph

Workers graph

Tasks graph

Tasks graph

version command

Prints version informations.


  • build-options print verion with build options


$ taskengine-app version --build-options 
taskengine-app version dev-20220420T141155
taskengine package version v0.3.0
go version go1.18 linux/amd64
build date: 2022-04-20 14:11:55 +0200
git commit: 4f6b962
os/arch: Linux x86_64