go get


logshifter Build Status

A simple log pipe designed to maintain consistently high input consumption rates, preferring to drop old messages rather than block the input producer.

The primary design goals are:

  • Minimal blocking of the input producer
  • Asynchronous dispatch of log events to an output
  • Sacrifice delivery rate for input processing consistency
  • Fixed maximum memory use as a factor of configurable buffer sizes
  • Pluggable and configurable outputs

logshifter is useful for capturing and redirecting output of heterogenous applications which emit logs to stdout rather than to a downstream aggregator (e.g. syslog) directly.


An optional configuration file can be supplied to logshifter with the -config flag. The file is a list of key value pairs in the format k = v, one per line. The possible options and their defaults are described in the Config type. Keys are case insensitive.


Periodic stats can be emitted to a file using the -statsfilename argument. The stats are written in JSON format on an interval specified by -statsinterval (which is a string in a format expected by the golang time.ParseDuration function).

Note that enabling statistics will introduce extra processing overhead.