go get



A Terraform provider for F5 BigIP LTM Monitor ( for this version Only SMTP monitor is added to). This repo is a fork of the offical repo with the addition of a resource provider to configure BigIP resources


  • Terraform 0.11.x / 0.12.x /0.13.x
  • Go 1.19 (to build the provider plugin)

F5 BigIP LTM requirements

  • This provider uses the iControlREST API, make sure that it is installed and enabled on your F5 device before proceeding.

These BIG-IP versions are supported in these Terraform versions.

BIG-IP version Terraform 1.x Terraform 0.13 Terraform 0.12 Terraform 0.11
BIG-IP 16.x X X X X
BIG-IP 15.x X X X X
BIG-IP 14.x X X X X
BIG-IP 12.x X X X X
BIG-IP 13.x X X X X


Below is an example of how you can use the provider to create GTM/DNS resources

resource "bigipltm_monitor" "monitor_http" {
  name     = "/Common/terraform_monitor"
  parent   = "/Common/http"
  send     = "GET /some/path\r\n"
  timeout  = "15"
  interval = "46"

resource "bigipltm_monitor" "monitor_smtp" {
  name        = "/Common/smtp_monitor"
  parent      = "/Common/smtp"
  destination = "*:563"
  timeout     = "15"
  interval    = "46"
resource "bigipltm_monitor" "monitor_https" {
  name        = "/Common/terraform_monitor_https"
  parent      = "/Common/https"
  send        = "GET /some/path\r\n"
  timeout     = "15"
  interval    = "46"
  ssl_profile = "serverssl"

Using the Provider

to be completed soon!!!