Manage & sync your Linux application config backups with ease

backup, cli, etcaid, golang, linux, restore, sync
go get



etcaid manages your Linux application config backups with ease. It copies your application configuration to a centralized backup folder which can then be synced to multiple devices using third party tools (such as git).


You must have Go installed on your system before continuing.

  • Clone this repository.
  • Run make install to install etcaid on your system.
$ etcaid init # initializes the etcaid config & directories

$ etcaid new zsh # creates a new application config with the name zsh and opens in your editor (default=`vim`) for you
  • zsh.toml opened in editor:
title = "zsh"
home_paths = [] # home_paths contains paths to files relative to the user's home path (eg: /home/currentuser)
xdg_config_paths = [] # xdg_config_path contains paths to files relative to the xdg application configuration directory for the user (eg: /home/currentuser/.config)
  • You can edit this config to add all configuration file/directory paths for zsh.
title = "zsh"
home_paths = [
xdg_config_paths = []
  • Once you've saved this and closed the editor:
Application config for zsh edited at /home/currentuser/etcaid/applications/zsh.toml

$ etcaid backup # backups all application config files

copied /home/currentuser/.zshrc to /home/currentuser/etcaid/backup/zsh/home/.zshrc
  • To restore:
$ etcaid restore # restores all application config files

copied /home/currentuser/etcaid/backup/zsh/home/.zshrc to /home/currentuser/.zshrc
  • Use git on the ~/etcaid directory to save your backups and sync it across devices.

Why etcaid?

While there are mature & amazing projects out there that would solve most problems of syncing application configurations across devices, I needed a tool that would be simple enough to just let me define what files needed to be backed up for an application. And I'd just go ahead and use git for versioning and syncing. No magic, no surprises. And thus, etcaid was born.


Use etcaid help to get a detailed list of commands supported by etcaid.

Available commands:

  • backup: Backups all applications
  • edit: Opens an editor to edit an existing application configuration
  • help: Help about any command
  • init: Initializes etcaid
  • list: Lists all applications available
  • new: Generates a new application configuration and opens it for editing
  • restore: Restores all applications
  • view: Views an application config


  1. Finish with tests
  2. Take a backup of destination before replacing it while running etcaid restore.