A repository to help learn the Go framework Beego

go get



This is a simple application designed written for a 2-part series on SitePoint, showing developers coming to Beego (and Go) from Dynamic languages, such as PHP, Ruby and Python, how to get up and running relatively quickly.

Part One

Part one of the series covers the following functionality:

  • Installing Beego and the command line tool Bee
  • Creating a project
  • Actions
  • Views / Templates
  • Routing
  • Request Parameters

Part Two

Part two of the series will cover the following functionality:

  • Integrating a database (SQLite3)
  • Models
  • Forms
  • Validation

It's not meant to be an application which is either elegant or beautiful, nor one which takes the full range of security attack vectors into consideration. It may do that with time, but at least initially, it's a simple, learning repository.


  • go get


I want to give a special thank you to Bill Kennedy from Ardan Studios for all his help and guidance, during the development of the 2-part series.