Telegraf processor which can tag metrics with data from the AWS IMDS service

go get



Telegraf processor which can tag metrics with data from the AWS IMDS service


  • Clone the repo
git clone
  • Build the "aws-imds" binary
$ go build -o aws-imds cmd/main.go
  • You should be able to call this from telegraf now using execd
  command = ["/path/to/aws-imds", "-config /path/to/config"]
  signal = "none"

This self-contained plugin is based on the documentations of Execd Go Shim

Unit Testing

The plugin includes unit tests which can be run with the following

go test ./...

Functional Testing

Functional tests can be done with the following process

First, create a new AWS VM instance

Next, ensure that the binary is built for the architecture of the VM you created. For example, on an x86-64 arch, you can specifically build the binary like so.

GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o aws-imds cmd/main.go

Next, copy the binary to the instance. You can do this via SCP or any other method you have available. For instance,

scp -i ~/aws-vm-key.cer aws-imds ec2-user@SOME-IP-ADDRESS:.

Next, create a sample config in the VM. You can use the config provided in this repository.

	imds_tags = ["region"]

Next, start the binary with a sample config

./aws-imds --config telegraf.conf
2023/03/03 17:12:10 D! Initializing AWS IMDS Processor

Now, paste a line of input to the console using the InfluxDB line protocol format.

weather,foo=bar temperature=82 1465839830100400200

You should expect to see the output changed to include a region tag. For example,

weather,foo=bar,location=eastus temperature=82 1465839830100400200