Fuzz testing for go.

go get sigs.k8s.io/randfill



randfill is a library for populating go objects with random values.

This is a fork of github.com/google/gofuzz, which was archived.

NOTE: This repo is supported only for use within Kubernetes. It is not our intention to support general use. That said, if it works for you, that's great! If you have a problem, please feel free to file an issue, but be aware that it may not be a priority for us to fix it unless it is affecting Kubernetes. PRs are welcome, within reason.


This is useful for testing:

  • Do your project's objects really serialize/unserialize correctly in all cases?
  • Is there an incorrectly formatted object that will cause your project to panic?

Import with import "sigs.k8s.io/randfill"

You can use it on single variables:

f := randfill.New()
var myInt int
f.Fill(&myInt) // myInt gets a random value.

You can use it on maps:

f := randfill.New().NilChance(0).NumElements(1, 1)
var myMap map[ComplexKeyType]string
f.Fill(&myMap) // myMap will have exactly one element.

Customize the chance of getting a nil pointer:

f := randfill.New().NilChance(.5)
var fancyStruct struct {
  A, B, C, D *string
f.Fill(&fancyStruct) // About half the pointers should be set.

You can even customize the randomization completely if needed:

type MyEnum string
const (
        A MyEnum = "A"
        B MyEnum = "B"
type MyInfo struct {
        Type MyEnum
        AInfo *string
        BInfo *string

f := randfill.New().NilChance(0).Funcs(
        func(e *MyInfo, c randfill.Continue) {
                switch c.Intn(2) {
                case 0:
                        e.Type = A
                case 1:
                        e.Type = B

var myObject MyInfo
f.Fill(&myObject) // Type will correspond to whether A or B info is set.

See more examples in example_test.go.

dvyukov/go-fuzz integration

You can use this library for easier go-fuzzing. go-fuzz provides the user a byte-slice, which should be converted to different inputs for the tested function. This library can help convert the byte slice. Consider for example a fuzz test for a the function mypackage.MyFunc that takes an int arguments:

// +build gofuzz
package mypackage

import "sigs.k8s.io/randfill"

func Fuzz(data []byte) int {
        var i int
        return 0

Happy testing!