Haskell utilities for parsing, filtering, transforming and generating XML documents.
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HaXml - Haskell utilities for processing XML -------------------------------------------- Installation instructions: We currently support nhc98, ghc, and Hugs. The automatic configuration detects which compilers/interpreters you have, and prepares a build tree for each. Installation requires write-permission on the system directories of the compiler/interpreter - the libraries and interfaces can then be used as "-package HaXml" (for ghc/nhc98 - no extra options required for Hugs). The standalone tools are installed to a directory of your choice. For newer compilers, use Cabal to build and install: cabal install or runhaskell Setup.hs configure runhaskell Setup.hs build runhaskell Setup.hs install For older compilers, use the traditional sequence: ./configure make make install Options to configure are: --buildwith=... e.g. ghc-6.2, to build for a specific compiler --prefix=... e.g. /usr/local/bin, installation location for HaXml tools Complaints to: :-) Malcolm.Wallace@me.com P.S. For those building on Windows /without/ Cygwin, you can avoid the need for configure/make steps by simply running the minimal build script in Build.bat You will need to edit it for the location of your compiler etc. ---- What this package contains: docs/ Some rudimentary HTML documentation about the libraries. docs/HaXml/ Haddock-generated API documentation. examples/ Some small examples of how the libraries/tools are used. src/Text/XML/HaXml/ Numerous support modules for processing XML. (The main APIs are as follows:) Types.hs Defines a (generic) representation for any XML document. Parse.hs Parses an XML document into the generic representation. ParseLazy.hs A more space-efficient parser. Pretty.hs Pretty-prints an XML document. Validate.hs Validates an XML document against a DTD. Combinators.hs Provides the combinators described in the ICFP'99 paper together with some other useful functions. SAX.hs A simple SAX-like stream-event-parser. Wrappers.hs Simple top-level wrappers for processing a single document using the combinators. XmlContent.hs A replacement class for Show/Read, to translate Haskell values to/from XML documents. Can be derived by DrIFT and/or DtdToHaskell. TypeMapping.hs Defines an explicit representation for Haskell types, allowing generation of a DTD from a Haskell value. OneOfN.hs Some support types (OneOf2 - OneOf20) for code generated by tools/DtdToHaskell. src/Text/XML/HaXml/Html Extra support modules for processing HTML. Parse.hs An error-correcting HTML parser, produces the generic XML representation. Pretty.hs An HTML-specific pretty-printer. Generate.hs Some useful combinators for generating HTML content. src/Text/XML/HaXml/Schema Extra support modules for processing Schema. XSDTypeModel.hs A representation of the datatype model of Xml Schema in terms of XSD concepts. HaskellTypeModel.hs A representation of the datatype model of Xml Schema in terms of Haskell datatypes. Parse.hs Parser from an XSD document to the XSD type model above. TypeConversion.hs Translate from the XSD model to the Haskell model. PrettyHaskell.hs Generate Haskell sourcecode from the Haskell type model. src/tools/ Standalone tools based on the library above. DtdToHaskell Translates an XML doc containing a DTD into a Haskell module containing data/newtype definitions. Xtract A structured 'grep' for XML docs, loosely based on the XPath and XQL query languages. Validate A simple validation tool for XML docs. Give it a DTD file and an XML file, and it reports all validation errors it can find. Canonicalise A 'cat' filter for XML docs, shows our "standard" parsing and pretty-printing behaviour. MkOneOf Generates a OneOfN type, given an N, together with its required instance of XmlContent. Sometimes types larger than OneOf20 are required in code generated by DtdToHaskell. XsdToHaskell Translates an XSD schema into a Haskell module. FpMLToHaskell Translates the set of XSD schemas defining the FpML language into a set of Haskell modules. src/Text/XML/HaXml/Xtract Internal APIs of the Xtract tool. Parse.hs Parse an XPath query to produce a filter. Combinators.hs Modified version of the standard combinators. src/Text/XML/HaXml/DtdToHaskell Internal APIs of the DtdToHaskell tool. TypeDef.hs A representation of the Haskell types corresponding to an XML DTD, and a pretty printer for them. Convert.hs Convert the standard DTD representation to the Haskell-like TypeDef representation. Instance.hs Generate appropriate XmlContent class instances for the TypeDefs. ----