
A typeclass (type family) layer on top of Miso. Miso is a tasty client-side framework for Haskell.

library, program, web, Propose Tags
cabal install classy-miso-


Classy Miso

Miso is a tasty web framework for Haskell. It was originally inspired by Elm (or, at least, The Elm Architecture (TEA)). It also emphasizes isomorphic (ie: server-side) rendering, which is pretty awesome if you actually want to do SEO and page caching. Miso is really quite nice...but it wasn't quite Haskell-y enough for me!

Unfortunately for Elm devs, Elm doesn't have typeclasses or type families. Fortunately for Haskell devs, we do! We also have the IO monad, JavaScript FFI, and a whole slew of other nifty tricks, which makes Haskell a much nicer place to implement TEA (IMHO).

This project contains an typeclassification of TEA. It is a work in progress, but the intention is for it to be accessible to beginners and to make the easy things easy, but with enough hooks and bells and whistles to make the hard things possible.

The primary typeclass is Component, which is your basic participation in Miso's messaging and view systems. The methods on the typeclass correlate strongly with TEA, and the correlaries should be obvious to anyone who has read the TEA architecture guide.

Once you have your components defined, then you can actually drive them through MisoApp. That puts together the routing at the topmost level and gives you a couple of functions to actually start the app up.