Epic - a Supercombinator Compiler

compilers-interpreters, library, program, Propose Tags, http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Hans_Boehm/gc/, http://www.e-pig.org, http://idris-lang.org/, , Last Documentation, epic-, browse, Package description, Package maintainers, AndreasAbel, EdwinBrady, edit package information
cabal install epic-


Build instructions:

    * cabal install
    * ...that's it

The command line tool, epic takes a source file and produces executable
code, via C. Separate compilation is supported, in a fairly simple
way, e.g. to compile a main program main.e which includes some
functions defined in lib.e:

    * Build lib.o with the command epic -c lib.e.
    * Import functions in main.e with the line include "lib.ei" in the source.
    * Build the executable with epic main.e lib.o -o main